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. 2018 Nov 8;18:40. doi: 10.1186/s12873-018-0189-y

Table 2.

Patient and pain characteristics with subdivision in desire for analgesics

Patient factors Desire for analgesics No desire for analgesics p-value
(n = 146) (n = 188)
 Male (n = 177) 72 (40.7%) 105 (59.3%) 0.235
 Female (n = 157) 74 (47.1%) 83 (52.9%)
Mean age (SD) 48.38 (18.44) 49.06 (18.39) 0.675
Triage colour code
 Blue (n = 7) 2 (28.6%) 5 (71.4%) 0.010
 Green (n = 130) 45 (34.6%) 85 (65.4%)
 Yellow (n = 175) 84 (48%) 91 (52%)
 Orange (n = 18) 13 (72.2%) 5 (27.8%)
 Red (n = 4) 2 (50%) 2 (50%)
Specialty of referral
 Traumatology (n = 78) 38 (48.7%) 40 (51.3%) 0.121
 Internal medicine (n = 50) 22 (44%) 28 (56%)
 Emergency medicine (n = 26) 12 (46.2%) 14 (53.8%)
 Cardiology (n = 45) 12 (26.7%) 33 (73.3%)
 Abdominal surgery (n = 32) 17 (53.1%) 15 (46.9%)
 Orthopedics (n = 32) 9 (28.1%) 23 (71.9%)
 Lung diseases (n = 16) 7 (43.8%) 9 (56.3%)
 Neurology (n = 15) 9 (60%) 6 (40%)
 Other (n = 40) 20 (50%) 20 (50%)
Pain location
 Upper extremities (n = 47) 18 (38.3%) 29 (61.7%) 0.033
 Lower extremities (n = 54) 23 (42.6%) 31 (57.4%)
 Abdomen (n = 75) 42 (56%) 33 (44%)
 Head/face (n = 24) 13 (54.2%) 11 (45.8%)
 Back (n = 12) 7 (58.3%) 5 (41.7%)
 Chest (n = 54) 14 (25.9%) 40 (74.1%)
 Neck (n = 3) 1 (33.3%) 2 (66.7%)
 More than 1 location (n = 47) 23 (48.9%) 24 (51.1%)
 Other (n = 18) 5 (27.8%) 13 (72.2%)
Pain duration
  < 2 h (n = 68) 32 (47.1%) 36 (52.9%) 0.047
 2–6 h (n = 52) 27 (51.9%) 25 (48.1%)
 6–12 h (n = 31) 19 (61.3%) 12 (38.7%)
 12 h – 3 days (n = 78) 32 (41.0%) 46 (59.0%)
  > 3 days (n = 105) 36 (34.3%) 69 (65.7%)
Pain pattern
 Constant (n = 259) 122 (47.1%) 137 (52.9%) 0.020
 Intermittent (n = 75) 24 (32%) 51 (68%)
Pain character
 Sharp (n = 121) 58 (47.9%) 63 (52.1%) 0.425
 Pressing (n = 66) 27 (40.9%) 39 (59.1%)
 Nagging (n = 62) 31 (50%) 31 (50%)
 Burning (n = 18) 5 (27.8%) 13 (72.2%)
 Cramping (n = 7) 3 (42.9%) 4 (57.1%)
 More than 1 answer (n = 48) 19 (39.6%) 29 (60.4%)
 Other (n = 12) 3 (25%) 9 (75%)
Mean initial pain score (SD) 7.01 (1.94) 5.14 (2.19) 0.029
Pre-ED analgesics
 Yes (n = 170) 83 (48.8%) 87 (51.2%) 0.055
 No (n = 164) 63 (38.4%) 101 (61.6%)
Analgesia allergy
 Yes (n = 17) 8 (47.1%) 9 (52.9%) 0.775
 No (n = 317) 138 (43.5%) 179 (56.5%)

P-values show differences of the whole factor group in relation to desire vs. no desire for analgesia