a, Heatmap of log2(FC) comparing chromatin accessibility (left) and transcription (right) of memory and naive timepoints for NK cells and CD8+ T cells. b, Fold change of transcription and accessibility from commonly regulated peaks comparing memory and naive cell states in both NK cells and CD8+ T cells. DA regions (FDR < 0.05, absolute log2(FC)> 0.5) are represented by number of dots, with colors showing magnitude and direction of FC. Extreme outliers of accessibility FC were capped at the 75th percentile±3× the interquartile range. Position of bottom circle represents transcriptional FC of differentially expressed genes (FDR < 0.05, absolute log2(FC) > 1). Shown are genes with average transcripts-per-million (TPM) counts greater than 5 across naive, effector, and memory timepoints. c, Table of top enriched motifs from all common DA regions shown in a that are either higher in memory or lower in memory compared to naive. AP-1 data from GSE36099; TCF-LEF data from MA0769.1 of JASPAR database; bZIP, basic leucine zipper domain. d, Metacoverage of normalized tag counts surrounding de novo motif regions listed in c among all common DA regions. e, Select DA gene loci that contain motif instances with genomic sequence in black and de novo motif sequence below. Y axis depicts normalized counts, while x axis displays genomic axis with scale bar. Bar plots quantify number of reads overlapping the motif center (dashed line), shown as mean ± s.d.