Figure 6. Schematic model depicting the fate of post-TCs in Rli1-depleted cells and tmaΔΔ strains.
In Rli1-depleted cells, most post-TCs are not recycled, migrate a short distance from the stop codon, and reinitiate translation in an 80S AUG-independent manner, producing short 3’UTR encoded polypeptides (top row). In the tmaΔΔ strains, 60S subunit dissociation occurs, leaving a 40S post-TC stalled at the stop codon. The 40S post-TC can either form a 40S preinitiation complex (PIC) and scan into the 3’UTR, reinitiating translation at a canonical AUG start codon (middle row), or alternatively, reassociate with a 60S subunit and reinitiate translation in an 80S AUG-independent manner similar to what is observed in Rli1-depleted cells (bottom row).