Figure 6.
US diagnosis and PTT effects of SAuMBs in in vivo level. To ascertain possibility of the SAuMBs as an UCA, 150 µL of the SAuMBs were injected into the xenograft mouse models. Before (A) and after (B) injection, the tumor was scanned by using an US device. The tumor was detected in a moment, and an enhanced US contrast effect of the SAuMBs was confirmed. The tumor-bearing mice were monitored for 14 d after laser irradiation of tumors for 8 min (N = 3). Temperatures of all mice were scanned for 8 mi(C) and all tumor temperatures plotted (D). Temperature changes of tumors from mice treated with SAuMBs+US were above 15 °C within 5 min, whereas tumors from mice given saline or SAuMBs alone only showed slight temperature increases. While the relative tumor volume (V/Vo) of SAuMBs+US mice almost reached 0, that of the other two groups gradually increased (E). Use of SAuMBs+US+laser irradiation did not have a major influence on mouse body weight (F).