The wt or strains A1-A4 were transformed with either CEN or 2μ plasmid, with or without the gene encoding α-syn, under the strong constitutive GPD promoter. (A) Growth phenotype of transformants after culturing 3 days at 30°C, and 2 days at 25°C. As seen, A1 and A2 grew slower than A3 and A4 upon α-syn overexpression from the 2μ plasmid. (B) Spot dilution assay to monitor the growth of strains transformed with 2μ plasmid, without (EV) or with the gene encoding α-syn. (C) Growth curve of indicated strains in liquid SD media lacking uracil. (D) Relative expression of α-syn from CEN plasmid in A1-A4 strains (top panel). The whole-cell lysate (T) was fractionated into soluble (S) and pellet (P) fractions. The proteins were separated on 12% SDS polyacrylamide gels and probed with anti α-syn antibodies. Middle and lower panels show loading controls. The bottom panel shows the relative quantification of α-syn levels, normalized to Pgk1 in strains A1-A4. Error bars represent standard error of replicates performed 3 times.