Electrophysiological properties of inhibitory (FSNs) and excitatory neurons in the PTC of GM6001-treated mice. a Unaltered resting membrane potential (Vm) of FSNs in the PTC of GM6001-treated (62.88 ± 1.40, n = 18(5)) than in nontreated (GBM22) PTC (61.67 ± 1.01, n = 12(8)), but significantly different than in sham (69.85 ± 0.67, n = 7(6)). b Lower Cm of FSNs in the PTC of GM6001-treated (28.27 ± 1.36, n = 20(5)) than nontreated (43.84 ± 3.74, n = 13(8)), but similar to sham (30.11 ± 1.99, n = 15(6)). c Unaltered Rin of FSNs in GM6001-treated PTC (219.90 ± 15.69, n = 20(5)) compared to GBM22 PTC (249.10 ± 17.65, n = 13(9)) and sham (252.64 ± 35.30, n = 13(7)). d Threshold current of FSNs remained unaltered in GM6001-treated PTC (120.76 ± 8.96, n = 13(5)) compared to nontreated PTC (82.75 ± 11.49, n = 8(6)) and sham (87.25 ± 16.06, n = 8(5)). e Higher AP frequency of FSNs in GM6001-treated PTC (n = 12(5)) than in nontreated PTC (n = 18(11)) but not than in sham (n = 10(7)). f Representative Vm traces from nontreated (upper) and GM6001-treated PTC (lower) FSNs on −100pA (black) and 140pA (red) current steps. g Resting membrane potential (Vm) of excitatory neurons in GM6001-treated PTC (66.62 ± 0.77, n = 27(8)) remained similar to sham (67.02 ± 0.38, n = 98(15)), but was significantly higher than the nontreated PTC (61.49 ± 0.86, n = 80(11)). h Cm of excitatory neurons in GM6001-treated PTC remained unaltered (PTC, 72.90 ± 8.92, n = 17(10); GM6001-treated PTC, 67.00 ± 6.95, n = 26(8); sham, 73.93 ± 6.95, n = 27(10)). i Input resistance (Rin) of excitatory neurons in GM6001-treated PTC (244.64 ± 9.24, n = 27(6)) was not significantly different than in nontreated PTC (288.18 ± 15.82, n = 23(10)), but than in sham (298.63 ± 14.47, n = 39(10)). j Lower threshold current in excitatory neurons in nontreated PTC (134.76 ± 14.69, n = 13(8)) than in GM6001-treated PTC (138.75 ± 6.81, n = 24(8)) and sham (171.33 ± 5.28, n = 39(10)). k Higher AP (firing) frequency of excitatory neurons in GM6001-treated PTC (n = 25(5)) than in nontreated PTC (n = 27(10)) and in sham (n = 36(10)). l Representative Vm traces from nontreated PTC (upper) and GM6001-treated PTC (lower) excitatory neurons on −100pA and 60pA current steps. n = cells(mice) in all. The units for membrane potential (Vm), threshold current, membrane capacitance (Cm) and input resistance (Rin) are mV, pA, pF, and MΩ, respectively. ****P < 0.0001, ***P < 0.001, **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05, one-way ANOVA in (a−d, g−j); two-way ANOVA in (e, k) (GM6001-treated vs. nontreated); Tukey's post-hoc test in all. ####P < 0.0001, ###P < 0.001, ##P < 0.01, #P < 0.05, two-way ANOVA, Tukey’s post-hoc test in (k) (GM6001-treated vs. sham)