Fig. 1.
Crystal structure and static deformation electron density. a, b Crystal structure of (a) AB2X2 (Mg3Sb2) and (b) SnS2. Mg1 and Mg2 represent Mg atoms in the Mg monolayer and [Mg2Sb2]2− layer, respectively. c, d Coordination polyhedrons of the nonequivalent atoms in (c) AB2X2 (Mg3Sb2) and (d) SnS2. e, f Static deformation electron density map on (110) plane containing both interlayer and intralayer interactions of (e) Mg3Sb2 and (f) SnS2. The contour interval is 0.006 e Å−3. Positive (negative) contours are plotted with red full (blue dotted) lines. The inset shows the corresponding (110) plane