Active Dendritic Conductances Change the Properties of Linear Input-Output Transformations
(A) Somatic membrane potential in the active (black) and passive (gray) biophysical neuron model to in vivo-like stimulation (as in Figures 2 and 4) together with the prediction of the hLN model with a single LN subunit (dark and light blue, respectively).
(B) Variance explained by the hLN model for the active (dark blue) and passive cell (light blue). Boxplots show median, quartiles, and range of ten independent simulations; open circle indicates an outlier.
(C) Average excitatory (top, orange) and inhibitory (bottom, purple) synaptic kernels for fitting the responses of the active (dark colors) or passive cell (light colors).
(D and E) Amplitude (D) and half-width (E) of individual excitatory (orange dots) and inhibitory (purple dots) synaptic kernels for fitting the active versus the passive model. Gray diagonals show identity.
(F) Average elementary synaptic kernels recovered by the hLN model when fitting in vivo-like input-output mapping (left) and average synaptic responses in the (active) biophysical model in response to individual stimuli (right). Note different scales on y axes: quantitatively, the amplitude of the estimated excitatory (inhibitory) kernels of the hLN model fitting in vivo-like data were smaller (larger, respectively) than the PSPs in the biophysical model due to the effects of the high conductance state on membrane properties. Note logarithmic time axes.