Figure 2.
Correlations between AS and neuroimaging measures. (A): mean 11C-PBB3 SUVR values in OFC showed significant and positive correlation with AS scores (r=0.53, p=0.037). (B and C): mean OFC thickness (r=−0.53, p=0.033) and mean FA value of UNC (r=−0.51, p=0.044) showed significant and negative correlation with AS scores. Mean 11C-PiB SUVR values in OFC were not correlated with AS scores (p=0.408; data not shown). Filled and open circles indicate AD patients with high and low AS scores, respectively. 11C-PBB3, 11C-pyridinyl-butadienyl-benzothiazole 3; 11C-PiB, 11C-Pittsburgh compound-B; AS, Apathy Scale; FA, fractional anisotropy; OFC, orbitofrontal cortex; SUVR, standardised uptake value ratio; UNC, uncinate fasciculus.