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. 2018 Feb 2;73(12):1701–1707. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gly010

Table 2.

Predicted Prevalence of ADL Disability Prior to Death Across Subgroupsa

Predicted prevalence, months prior to death, % (95% CI)
36 24 12 6 1 p value
Overall 20 (16 to 24) 23 (21 to 25) 31 (29 to 34) 40 (37 to 43) 48 (43 to 53)
Age at death, y
 80–89 18 (14–22) 20 (18–23) 28 (26–31) 36 (33–40) 44 (39–50) Reference
 90–99 30 (25–36) 34 (31–36) 44 (42–46) 53 (50–56) 61 (56–66) <0.001
 ≥100 47 (39–55) 52 (46–57) 62 (57–67) 70 (65–75) 77 (71–82) <0.001
Sex 0.003
 Men 16 (13–20) 19 (17–21) 26 (24–29) 34 (31–37) 42 (37–47)
 Women 23 (18–28) 26 (23–29) 35 (32–38) 44 (40–47) 52 (47–58)
Ethnicity 0.306
 Minority group 18 (12–26) 21 (15–28) 29 (22–37) 37 (29–46) 45 (36–55)
 Han 20 (16–24) 23 (21–25) 31 (29–34) 40 (37–43) 48 (43–53)
Residence <0.001
 Urban 23 (19–28) 26 (24–29) 36 (33–38) 44 (41–48) 53 (47–58)
 Rural 18 (15–23) 21 (19–24) 29 (26–32) 37 (34–41) 45 (40–51)
Years of education 0.074
 0 20 (16–25) 23 (21–26) 32 (29–34) 40 (37–44) 49 (43–54)
 ≥1 19 (15–23) 22 (19–25) 30 (27–33) 38 (34–42) 46 (41–52)
White collar occupation 0.106
 No 20 (16–24) 23 (20–25) 31 (29–33) 39 (37–42) 48 (43–53)
 Yes 24 (18–31) 27 (22–33) 36 (30–43) 45 (39–52) 54 (46–62)
Economic independence 0.163
 No 20 (16–24) 22 (20–25) 31 (28–33) 39 (36–42) 47 (42–53)
 Yes 21 (17–27) 24 (21–28) 33 (29–37) 42 (37–47) 50 (43–56)
Good family economic statusb 0.336
 No 20 (16–24) 24 (22–26) 32 (29–34) 38 (35–41) 44 (38–49)
 Yes 18 (14–23) 21 (18–26) 28 (24–33) 34 (29–40) 40 (33–47)
Adequate medication 0.028
 No 25 (19–32) 28 (23–33) 37 (31–44) 46 (40–53) 55 (47–63)
 Yes 19 (16–24) 22 (20–25) 31 (28–33) 39 (36–42) 47 (42–52)
Married 0.868
 No 20 (16–25) 23 (21–26) 32 (29–34) 40 (37–43) 49 (44–54)
 Yes 18 (14–23) 21 (18–24) 29 (26–33) 38 (33–42) 46 (39–52)
Co-residence with children <0.001
 No 14 (10–18) 16 (13–20) 23 (19–27) 30 (25–35) 37 (31–44)
 Yes 22 (17–26) 25 (23–27) 33 (31–36) 42 (36–45) 51 (45–56)
Regular exercise <0.001
 No 23 (18–28) 26 (24–28) 35 (33–38) 44 (41–47) 52 (47–57)
 Yes 13 (10–17) 15 (12–18) 21 (18–25) 28 (24–33) 35 (30–42)
Currently consuming alcohol <0.001
 No 22 (18–27) 25 (23–28) 34 (32–37) 43 (40–46) 51 (46–56)
 Yes 12 (9–16) 14 (11–17) 20 (17–24) 27 (22–31) 34 (28–40)

Note: ADL, activities of daily living.

aDisability prevalence was modeled as a spline with knots at 30, 16, and 4 months prior to death, adjusting for sociodemographic factors including age at death, sex, race/ethnicity, education, lifetime primary occupation, economic independence, being in receipt of adequate drugs for any illnesses, current marital status, co-residence with adult children, regular exercise, and currently consuming alcohol. Prevalence for each subgroup was calculated while adjusting for all other sociodemographic factors in the model.

bThe question about family economic status was asked starting with the 2002 wave. Among the 23,934 analytic participants, 6,710 (28.0%) participants from 1998 wave and 2000 wave were not asked this question in the interview prior to death. These disability estimates were based only on decedents whose family economic status was available.