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. 2018 Nov 5;12:707. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2018.00707

Table 2.

Putative impact of miRNAs on neuronal migration and neuronal morphogenesis in the context of adult neurogenesis.

MicroRNA Main model system Observed main effect miRNA regulator Target mRNA Reference
miR-15a Floxed Mecp2 mice, DG retroviral grafting of Cre-GFP/miR-15a sponge, primary neonatal cortical/hippocampal neurons miR-15a impairs dendrite maturation, miR-15a inhibition rescues Mecp2-deficiency-induced neuronal maturation deficits MECP2 Bdnf Gao et al., 2015
miR-19 Mouse primary adult DG NSCs, DG and SVZ retroviral injection miR-19 promotes migration of neurons Rapgef2 Han et al., 2016
miR-124 Rat primary embryonic hippocampal neurons miR-124 increases axonal and dendrite complexity Rhog Franke et al., 2012
miR-132 Rat primary neonatal cortical neurons CREB induces miR-132 expression downstream of BDNF, miR-132 promotes neurite outgrowth CREB p250Gap (Arhgap32) Vo et al., 2005
Rat primary neonatal cortical neurons miR-132 and MECP2 form a feedback mechanism via BDNF BDNF via CREB Mecp2 Klein et al., 2007
Rat primary neonatal hippocampal neurons miR-132 promotes dendrite growth and spine maturation p250Gap (Arhgap32) Wayman et al., 2008
Floxed miR-213/132 mice and GFP-Cre DG retroviral injection Deletion of miR-132 decreases dendrite length and arborization Magill et al., 2010
miR-134 Rat primary embryonic cortical/hippocampal neurons miR-134 decreases size of dendritic spines BDNF (indirect effect) Limk1 Schratt et al., 2006
Sirt1 KO/Nestin-Cre mice, adult hippocampal lentiviral injection miR-134 knockdown rescues Sirt1-deficiency-induced LTP and memory defects SIRT1 Creb Gao et al., 2010
Mecp2 KO/OE mice, mouse primary embryonic cortical neurons Mecp2 OE inhibits dendrite growth and pri-miR-134 processing; miR-134 OE rescues dendrite growth defect MECP2 Cheng T.-L. et al., 2014
miR-134 part of miR-379-410 cluster Rat primary embryonic cortical/hippocampal neurons miR-379-410 expression is regulated by neuronal activity via MEF2; miR-134 promotes dendrite outgrowth MEF2 Pum2 Fiore et al., 2009
miR-137 Mouse DG retroviral injection, primary embryonic hippocampal neurons miR-137 OE inhibits dendrite morphogenesis Mib1 Smrt et al., 2010
miR-138 Rat primary embryonic cortical/hippocampal neurons miR-138 decreases size of dendritic spines Apt1 Siegel et al., 2009
miR-223 Retroviral injection of miR-223 sponge into mouse DG, miR-223 OE in human fetal NPCs miR-223 inhibits dendrite outgrowth Harraz et al., 2014

List of the miRNAs (in ascending numerical order) and their respective up-stream regulators and target mRNAs associated with regulating neuron migration and morphogenesis during neurogenesis. Findings directly related to adult neurogenesis are highlighted in bold. DG, dentate gyrus; KO, knockout; LTP, long-term potentiation; NSC, neural stem cells; OE, overexpression; SVZ, subventricular zone.