Fig. 2.
Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the thalamus and primary visual cortex (V1) coherence by cortical laminar compartment in individual monkeys Schematic at top as in Fig. 1C. Average coherence between the LGN and the supragranular (SG; top row), granular (G; middle row), and infragranular (IG; bottom row) laminar compartments of V1 during the cue period (left columns) and the visual stimulus display period (right columns) illustrated separately for monkey B, monkey O, and monkey E (labeled at top). Red and blue curves indicate coherence on attend-toward and attend-away trials, respectively. Black bar above monkey O LGN-G visual stimulus period coherence indicates frequencies at which coherence was significantly different across attention conditions (Bonferroni corrected P < 0.05).