Table 1.
Functional traits of focal species considered for trophic rewilding. ABM is average body mass in kg [23]; feeding type is ‘B’ for browser, ‘C’ for carnivore and ‘G’ for grazer; habitats are derived from IUCN Red List species accounts [24]; elevation in m is from the IUCN Red List species account where reported [24], except for the horse as the elevation limit appears to be for its current indigenous range only due to the restricted elevational range provided being between 1100 and 2000 m [24], relative to the known feral range upper limit of 4500 m [25]; conservation translocation type is broken into reintroduction: ‘HIS’ for historical reintroduction and ‘PLE’ for Pleistocene/Prehistoric reintroduction; and ‘ECOL-R’ for ecological replacement. Note that the proposed translocation type depends on area, so the focal species can fall into more than one category. Within each feeding type (carnivore and herbivore: grazing/browser), species are ordered by ABM. See the electronic supplementary material for discussion of each of these species in the published literature.
taxon | common name | ABM | feeding type | habitat | elevation | translocation type proposed | known or potential ecological functions |
Panthera tigris | tiger | 162 | C | mixed grasslands, woodlands, forests | 4500 | Asia: HIS, PLE [26] | apex predator of large herbivores [26,27]; regulates prey populations [27] |
Panthera leo | lion | 159 | C | grasslands, savannahs, forests, deserts | 4200 | Africa [27], Asia [28], Europe [29]: HIS, PLE; North America: ECOL-R [30,31] |
apex predator of large herbivores [27,30,31]; regulates prey populations [30] |
Panthera pardus | leopard | 52 | C | grasslands, deserts, mountains, forests | 5200 | Africa [32], Asia [32], Europe [29]: HIS, PLE | predator of large herbivores [29]; regulates prey populations [27] |
Acinonyx jubatus | cheetah | 51 | C | grasslands, dry forests, deserts | 4000 | Africa [33], Asia [33]: HIS, PLE; North America [30,31]: ECOL-R |
predator of fast, agile prey [27,30,31] |
Loxodonta africana | African savanna elephant | 3825 | G/B | grasslands, savannahs, forests, deserts | n.a. | Africa: HIS, PLE; Australia, South America: ECOL-R | ecological engineer by dispersing large seeds and removing trees [1,31,35]; controls plants adapted to grazing [34] |
Elephas maximus | Asian elephant | 3270 | G/B | forests, mixed grasslands | 3000 | Asia [26]: HIS, PLE; Australia [34], Europe [29], North America [30,31], South America [35]: ECOL-R | ecological engineer by dispersing large seeds and removing trees [1,29–31,35] |
Ceratotherium simum | white rhino | 2285 | G | grasslands, savannahs, shrublands | n.a. | Africa: HIS, PLE; Australia [34]: ECOL-R |
ecological engineer by dispersing large seeds and removing trees [30,31]; controls plants adapted to grazing [34] |
Rhinoceros unicornis | Indian rhino | 1844 | G | grasslands, savannahs, shrublands | n.a. | Asia [26]: HIS, PLE; Australia [34]: ECOL-R |
ecological engineer by dispersing large seeds and removing trees [26] |
Diceros bicornis | black rhino | 996 | B | shrublands, grasslands, savannahs, deserts | n.a. | Africa: HIS, PLE; Australia [34]: ECOL-R |
ecological engineer by dispersing large seeds and removing trees [30,31] |
Bison bonasus | European bison or wisent | 676 | G/B | grasslands, open forests | 2100 | Europe [36]: HIS, PLE | wallowing creates ephemeral pools, serve as fire breaks, and increase landscape-scale plant diversity [29,36,37] |
Camelus dromedarius | dromedary camel | 493 | B | desert scrub | Africa [27], Asia [28]: HIS, PLE; North America [30,31] ECOL-R |
salt-tolerant [29,38]; large home ranges [39], thus may redistribute salts [40]; seed dispersal [31] | |
Equus ferus | horse | 404 | G | grasslands, open forests | 4500 [25] | Asia, Europe, South America: [41] HIS, PLE, ECOL-R; North America: HIS, PLE, ECOL-R |
feeds on coarse, abrasive grasses [41] |
Ovibos moschatus | muskox | 313 | G | Arctic tundra | n.a. | Asia [29], Europe [29] HIS, PLE | grazer in extreme arctic environment [29,37] |
Cervus elaphus | red deer | 241 | G/B | woodlands, shrublands, grasslands, mountains | 4500 | Europe: HIS, PLE | grazing modifies habitat and provides prey base for carnivores and scavengers [42] |
Tapirus terrestris | lowland tapir | 169 | G/B | forests, shrublands, grasslands | n.a. | North America, South America: HIS [43,44] | disperse seed and browse [26,43,44] |
Equus asinus | donkey | 165 | G/B | deserts | n.a. | North America: HIS, PLE, ECOL-R [31,35] | digs wells used by other species [29,45] |