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. 2018 Oct 14;233(6):783–806. doi: 10.1111/joa.12892

Table 3.

Origin, insertion and action of thoracic limb intrinsic musculature of Lycalopex gymnocercus

Muscle Abbrev. Origin Insertion Main action
Coracobrachialis CRB Coracoid process of scapula Distally on lesser tubercle of the humerus Extension of shoulder
Deltoideus pars scapularis DLS Caudal surface of scapular spine Tuberositas deltoidea Flexion of shoulder
Deltoideus pars acromialis DLA Acromion Tuberositas deltoidea and distally to medium third of humerus Flexion of shoulder
Infraspinatus INS Infraspinous fossa Caudodistally on tuberculum majus Flexion of shoulder
Subscapularis SBS Medial surface of the scapula Proximal margin of tuberculum minus Adduction of shoulder
Supraspinatus SPS Supraspinous fossa Tuberculum majus Extension of shoulder
Teres major TMJ Caudal angle and dorsal third of the scapula Teres major tuberosity Flexion of shoulder
Teres minor TMI Ventral third of caudal margin of the scapula Distally to tuberculum majus Flexion of shoulder
Biceps brachii BBR Supraglenoid tuberosity Proximal third of radius and distally to medial coronoid process of ulna Flexion of elbow and extension of shoulder
Brachialis BRC Caudolaterally in proximal third of humerus Distally to medial coronoid process of ulna Flexion of elbow
Triceps brachii caput longum TBLo Caudal margin of scapula Proximal tip and caudal surface of olecranon tuber Extension of elbow and flexion of shoulder
Triceps brachii caput laterale TBLa Tricipital line of humerus Lateral elevation of olecranon tuber Extension of elbow
Triceps brachii caput mediale TBM Proximally to tuberositas teres major on the proximal humeral medial surface Medial elevation of olecranon tuber Extension of elbow
Triceps brachii caput accessorium TBA Proximal caudal part of the neck of the humerus Medial elevation of olecranon tuber Extension of elbow
Anconeus ANC Lateral epicondilar crest and olecrani fossae Lateral surface of olecranon Extension of elbow
Tensor fasciae antebrachii TFA From aponeurosis with latissimus dorsi in the axillary region Antebrachial fascia Extension of elbow and tensioning of antebrachial fascia
Brachioradialis BRR Lateral supracondylar crest of humerus Medial styloid process of humerus Supination
Extensor carpi radialis ECR Lateral supracondylar crest of humerus Tuberosity of metacarpals II and III Extension of carpal joint
Extensor digitorum comunis EDC Lateral epicondyle of humerus Processus extensorius of distal phalanx of digits II–V Extension of four main digits
Extensor digitorum lateralis EDL Lateral epicondyle of humerus Processus extensorius of distal phalanx of digits (III) IV–V Extension of two or three lateral digits
Ulnaris lateralis UNL Lateral epicondyle of humerus Laterally on the base of metacarpal V Flexion of carpal joint
Supinator SUP Lateral epicondyle of humerus Cranial and medial surfaces of proximal radius Supination
Extensor digiti I and II EDI‐EDII Lateral distal half of ulna Head of the metacarpal I and tendon of extensor digitorum communis to digit II Extension of digits I and II
Abductor digiti I longus ABIL Lateral surface of radius and ulna Base of metacarpal I Extension and abduction of digit I
Pronator teres PRT Medial epicondyle of humerus Middle third of the cranial surface of radial diaphysis Pronation
Flexor carpi radialis FCR Medial epicondyle of humerus Palmar surface of base of metacarpals II and III Flexion of carpal joint
Flexor digitorum superficialis FDS Medial epicondyle of humerus Palmar surface of base of middle phalanx Flexion of digits II–V
Flexor carpi ulnaris caput humerale FCUH Medial epicondyle of humerus Accessory carpal bone Flexion of carpus
Flexor carpi ulnaris caput ulnare FCUU Caudal margin of proximal third of ulna Accessory carpal bone Flexion of carpus
Flexor digitorum profundus caput humerale FDPH Medial epicondyle of humerus Flexor tubercule of the distal phalanx of the digits I–V Flexion of digits I–V
Flexor digitorum profundus caput radiale FDPR Proximal second quarter of craniomedial surface of radius Flexor tubercle of distal phalanx of the digits I–V Flexion of digits I–V
Flexor digitorum profundus caput ulnare FDPU Caudal surface of ulna, distally from olecranon to medium third of ulna Flexor tubercle of distal phalanx of digits I–V Flexion of digits I–V
Pronator quadratus PRQ Medial surface of body of ulna Medial surface of body of radius Pronation
Interflexorius IFL From humeral head of m. flexor digitorum profundus Fusion with tendons of m. flexor digitorum superficialis to digits II and III Flexion of digits II and III
Flexor digitorum brevis FDB From tendon of m. flexor digitorum superficialis to digit V Proximal phalanx of digit V Flexion of digit V
Lumbricales LMB Aponeurosis of tendons of m. flexor digitorum profundus Proximal phalanx of digits III, IV and V Flexion of digit III–V
Interosseous I, II, III and IV INT Basis of metacarpals II‐V Proximal sesamoids and proximal phalanx of digits II–V Flexion of digits II–V
Abductor digiti I brevis ABIB Flexor retinaculum Fusion with the tendon of abductor digiti I longus Abduction of digit I
Flexor digiti I brevis FDB Radiate carpal ligament Proximal sesamoid of digit I Flexion of digit I
Adductor digiti I ADI Flexor retinaculum Proximal phalanx of digit I Adduction of digit I
Abductor digiti V ABV Accessory carpal bone Proximal phalanx of digit V Abduction of digit V
Flexor digiti V FDV From ligament of accessory carpal bone to metacarpal IV Fusion with tendon of m. abductor digiti V Flexion of digit V
Adductor digiti V ADV Radiate carpal ligament Medial surface of metacarpal V Adduction of digit V
Adductor digit II ADII Radiate carpal ligament Axial surface of base of proximal phalanx of digit II Adduction of digit II