Table 1:
Publications related to compressed sensing MRI for rapid compositional mapping of the knee cartilage
Authors | Year | Application | Sampling Pattern | time points | Regularization | Reconstruction | Fitting |
Madelin et. al | 2012 | Sodium | Radial | 1 | sparsifying transform + TV | nonlinear Conjugate Gradient | not reported |
Huang et. al | 2012 | T2 | Radial fast spin echo sequence | 8 (echo spacing ~ 8.38 ms) |
Sparse PCA, model based | nonlinear Conjugate Gradient | not reported |
Peng et. al | 2016 | T2 | Cartesian 2D multislice, k-p sampled as Poisson disk | 10 (from TE=17 ms, echo spacing ~ 8.5 ms) |
wavelet, casorati low rank, hankel low rank (nuclear norm) | Custom, alternated filtering and data-consistency | NLS |
Pandit et. al | 2016 | T1ρ | Cartesian 3D, 2D center preserved, ARC + 2D Gaussian random | 8 (TSL=0/2/4/8/12/20/40/80 ms) |
modified total variation | nonlinear Conjugate Gradient | not reported |
Zhou et. al | 2016 | T1ρ | Cartesian 2D multislice, k-p sampled as Poisson disk | 8 (TSLs=0/2/4/8/12/20/40/80 ms) |
Sparse PCA with (locally-adaptive iterative support detection) | FOCUSS algorithm | NLS -Levenberg-Marquardt fitting algorithm |
Zibetti et. al | 2018 | T1ρ | Cartesian 3D, 2D center preserved, Poisson Disk (2D+ time) | 10 (TSLs=2/4/6/8/10/15/25/35/45/55ms) |
12 different methods (sparsity: wavelet, finite differences, PCA, KSVD; low rank, L+S with spatial, wavelet and finite difference sparsity) | FISTA, FISTA-FGP, and modified FISTA/FISTA-FGP | NLS - conjugate gradient Steihaug’s trust-region (CGSTR) algorithm |
Wang et. al | 2018 | T1 - GAG - dGEMRIC | Cartesian 2D spin-echo imaging | 5 (T= 0/0.4/1.1/2.2/4.0s) or (T=0/0.1/0.3/0.5/1.0s) |
sparifying transform + TV | nonlinear Conjugate Gradient | Donnan equilibrium theory |