Figure 4.
D122A Mutation in CaV2.2 Prevents the Effect of α2δ-1 on CaV2.2-HA Cell Surface Expression in Hippocampal Neurites and Somata
(A) Representative confocal images showing neurites of hippocampal neurons expressing CaV2.2-HA WT together with β1b and mCherry in the presence (top row) or absence (bottom row) of α2δ-1. Expression of mCherry is shown in red (left). Cav2.2-HA (green, center) was stained using rat anti-HA Ab prior to permeabilization, and the rabbit II-III loop Ab (white, right) after permeabilization. DAPI was used to visualize the nucleus (blue). Scale bars, 50 μm.
(B) As for (A) but for hippocampal neurons co-expressing Cav2.2-HA D122A with β1b and mCherry in the presence (top row) or absence (bottom row) of α2δ-1.
(C) Bar chart (mean ± SEM) showing expression of WT and D122A CaV2.2-HA, determined by both HA staining prior to permeabilization (green bars) and II-III loop staining after permeabilization (gray bars), together with the expression marker mCherry. Data for 197 (WT + α2δ-1), 130 (WT − α2δ-1), 174 (D122A + α2δ-1), and 211 (D122A − α2δ-1) neurites from 4 separate transfections in 2 experiments were normalized to the WT CaV2.2-HA + α2δ-1 condition in each experiment. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001 (1-way ANOVA compared with WT CaV2.2 + α2δ-1, with Sidak’s post hoc analysis correcting for multiple comparisons).
(D) Representative confocal images showing hippocampal somata expressing CaV2.2-HA WT (top two rows) or Cav2.2-HA D122A (bottom two rows) together with β1b and mCherry in the presence (top row) or absence (bottom row, control) of α2δ-1. Expression of mCherry is shown in red (first panel). Cav2.2-HA (green, second panel) was stained using rat anti-HA Ab in non-permeabilized cells, and the rabbit II-III loop Ab (white, third panel) after permeabilization. DAPI was used to visualize the nucleus (blue), and the merged image is shown in the fourth panel. Scale bars, 20 μm.
(E) Bar chart (mean ± SEM) showing expression of WT and D122A CaV2.2-HA, determined by HA staining prior to permeabilization (green bars), together with expression marker mCherry (red bars). Data for 32 (WT + α2δ-1), 26 (WT - α2δ-1), 37 (D122A + α2δ-1), and 35 (D122A − α2δ-1) cell bodies from 4 separate transfections in 2 experiments were normalized to the WT CaV2.2-HA + α2δ-1 condition in each experiment. ∗∗∗∗p < 0.0001 (1-way ANOVA compared with WT CaV2.2 + α2δ-1, with Sidak’s post hoc analysis correcting for multiple comparisons).