Longitudinal assessment of NIR700-annexin V accumulation (Accum.) in MMTV/HER2 tumors, illustrating efficacy of Tz treatment (Rx.). (A) NIR700-annexin V accumulation ratios (tumor to normal muscle [T/M]) increased and attained statistical significance after 2 wk of Tz treatment in responding MMTV/HER2 tumor–bearing mice. PreRx5before treatment. ‡P >, 0.001, as determined with paired t test. (B) NIR700-annexin V did not accumulate in nonresponding tumors, and overall uptake of imaging probe decreased as tumors progressed. §P < 0.05. (C and D) On individual basis, NIR700-annexin V uptake (pretreatment imaging compared with 2-wk posttreatment imaging) significantly increased after treatment in most responding MMTV/HER2 tumor–bearing mice (C). However, nonresponding cohorts typically showed decreased NIR700-annexin V accumulation after 2 wk of Tz treatment (D). (E) Magnitude of tumor regression was proportional to degree of uptake of NIR700-annexin V. Nonlinear inverse correlation was observed between change in NIR700-annexin V uptake from baseline and change in tumor volume from baseline when all imaging time points and all mice were considered. (Reprinted with permission of (37).)