Figure 3.
The effective population size estimates from subsets of different sample sizes taken from the pool of contemporary Pinzón giant tortoises, using a minor allele frequency of 0.05. The left and right plots are separated to allow for different scales on the y‐axes. For each sampling size, there were 50 subsets drawn based on the 2,218 (blue) and 7,730 (black) SNP data sets. The points are jittered, and the bars indicate 95% jackknife confidence intervals. Point estimates that were negative or infinity, or had confidence intervals that included infinity are not presented (29% of the runs, exclusively in the subsets with sample sizes of n = 10–30 individuals). Thus, for example, for a sample size of 10, only one estimate is presented based on the 7,730 SNPs, and no values are presented for the 2,218 SNP data sets. SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism