Table 1. Comparison of the proposed versus previous color texture descriptors.
Ref. | Name | Treatment of color channels | Basic operation for texton description | Length |
[12] | Ind-LBP2 | Independent | Marginal ordering [19] of color vectors | 3N |
[24] | Hue-LBP | Independent | Linear ordering of hue | N |
[16] | CHLBP | Independent | Angular similarity of hue | N |
[25] | OC-LBP | Joint | Marginal ordering of color vectors | 6N |
[26] | Joint-LBP | Joint | Marginal ordering of color vectors | N2 |
[27] | Norm-LBP | Vectorial | Reduced ordering [19] of color vectors | N |
[14] | LCVBP | Vectorial | Reduced ordering of color vectors | 4N |
[29] | J-LCVBP | Vectorial | Reduced ordering of color vectors | 2N |
[30] | LCC | Vectorial | Contrast of color angular difference | 256 |
[31] | LAP | Vectorial | Reduced ordering of color vectors’ similarity | 3N |
Proposed | QDCP | Vectorial | Angular similarity of color vectors’ orientations | N |
Since all texture analysis methods in this table are variants of LBP, N in the table represents the length of a LBP histogram generated with log2 N-pixel neighborhood. Ind-LBP is short for the method that applies LBP to each color channel separately, and it is listed in this table as an typical example in the category of independent color texture analysis paradigm.