Fig. 6.
Diazepam triggers dissociation of PLCδ from GABAARs in situ leading to activation of PLCδ/Ca2+/calcineurin signalling pathway, which is negatively regulated by PRIP1. a Immunoprecipitates of GABAARs from control and diazepam (D; 1 μM)-treated cortical neurones were probed with PLCδ- (n = 3) or b PRIP1- (n = 4) specific antibody. c–e PLCδ-GFP binds directly to the intracellular loop of the GABAAR β2 and β3 subunits Q1 (303-366 aa) and Q3 (366-396 aa) regions in GST pull-down assays (n = 3). f PRIP1-GFP binds directly to the β3 subunit Q1 and Q3 loop regions in the GST pull-down assays (n = 3). g Predicted PLCδ- and PRIP1- binding sites in the Q1 and Q3 regions of the β2 and β3 subunits. h Immunoprecipitates of GABAARs from control (DMSO) or Isoguvacine (I; 5 μM)-, Diazepam (D; 1 μM)/Isoguvacine (I; 5 μM)- or Isoguvacine (I; 50 μM)-treated α1β2γ2-GABAAR HEK293 cells expressing both GFP-PLCδ and GFP-PRIP1 were probed with the GFP-specific antibody (n = 2). (i) Overexpression of PRIP1 inhibits partial translocation of GFP-PHPLCδ1 in response to Diazepam (D; 1 μM)/Isoguvacine (I; 5 μM) in α1β2γ2-HEK293 cells. Live imaging of a Calcein blue-labelled cell (blue) expressing GFP-PHPLCδ1 (green) and dsRed-PRIP1 (red; top panels) and superimposed fluorescence intensity profiles prior to (left) and 5 min after the addition of Diazepam (D; 1 μM)/Isoguvacine (I; 5 μM) (right). j Quantification of fluorescence F(membrane)/F(cytoplasm) ratio of GFP-PHPLCδ1 (green; left) and dsRed-PRIP1 (red; right), both shown as mean ± s.e.m. (Student t-test; *p < 0.05; n = 10 cells from 2 independent experiments). k Overexpression of PRIP1 inhibits Diazepam (D; 1 μM)/Isoguvacine (I; 5 μM)-dependent internalisation of GABAARs. Changes in surface GABAARs were measured by cell surface ELISA with anti-myc-specific antibody labelling the γ2 subunit, and presented as mean ± s.e.m. (n = 4). Statistical analysis was done using ANOVA with Bonferonni post-hoc test; *p < 0.05; n = number of independent experiments. l Schematic diagram of the GABAAR/PLCδ/Ca2+/calcineurin feed-back mechanism underlying diazepam-dependent downregulation of GABAARs. According to this model, sustained activation of synaptic GABAARs by diazepam triggers a metabotropic, PLCδ/Ca2+/calcineurin signalling pathway which leads to receptor dephosphorylation by calcineurin, initiation of dynamin-dependent endocytosis resulting in a decrease in the size and number of postsynaptic GABAAR clusters, and disassembly of inhibitory synapses. This mechanism is ‘switched off’ when PRIP1, PLCδ-related but catalytically inactive protein, outcompetes the PLCδ in binding to GABAARs, thereby preventing the activation of PLCδ and downstream Ca2+/calcineurin-dependent internalisation of these receptors