Table 1.
No | Age (years)/sex | Site/duration since HIV diagnosis | Size (cm) | Histological pattern | HIV-status | Other KS manifestations/duration since HIV diagnosis | Treatment | Outcome/last follow-up |
1 | 45 M | Hard palate & tongue (12 mo), lymph node level II left (15 mo) | 1.0 | Classical | Positive | Cecum (15 mo), cardia (28 mo) | Excision, valganciclovir (for 2 mo), antiretroviral therapy | ANED (78 mo) |
2 | 46 M | Hard palate (0 mo), intra-parotid lymph node (18 mo) | 1.2 | Classical | Positive | Skin both thighs (0 mo), left lower leg, both feet, left lung, back, penis (5 mo) | Excision, antiretroviral therapy | AWD due to poor compliance (12 mo) |
3 | 48 M | Posterior pharyngeal wall, uvula, right cheek, left nose (0 mo) | 2.2 | Classical | Positive | Multiple skin lesions on trunk, thighs and arms (0) | Valganciclovir (3 mo), Interferon-alpha 2a therapy (5 mo), antiretroviral therapy | Full remission on interferon-alpha, ANED (22 mo) |
4 | 54 M | Gingiva close to an infected tooth (> 141 mo) | 0.5 | Classical | Positive | No | Emergence of KS 6 weeks after start of antiretroviral therapy, regression on therapy with valganciclovir combined with antiretroviral therapy | ANED (13 mo) |
5 | 42 M | Palatine tonsil (right) (11 mo) | 1.0 | Classical | Positive | No | Tonsillectomy, antiretroviral therapy | ANED (94 mo) |
6 | 51 M | Lymph node (submental mass) (67 mo) | 1.2 | Classical | Positive | No | Lymph node excision, antiretroviral therapy | ANED (75 mo) |
7 | 43 M | Right lower eyelid (9 mo) | 0.6 | Classical | Positive | No | Excision, antiretroviral therapy | ANED (12 mo) |
8 | 54 M | Skin, right angle of the jaw (34 mo) | 1.1 | Classical | Positive | No | Excision, antiretroviral therapy | ANED (76 mo) |
9 | 60 F | Skin ear (pinna) | 0.6 | Sarcomatous | Negative | No | Excision | ANED (46 mo) |
10 | 78 M | External auditory canal | 1.0 | Classical | Negative | Disseminated KS on all extremities 1 mo after excision of ear lesion | Excision, 5 cycles liposomal doxorubicin for disseminated disease | Alive, ongoing remission (18 mo) |
11 | 54 M | Posterior neck | 1.2 | Classical | Negative | Skin of thigh, forearm and calf (2 mo, 22 mo, and 43 mo) after head and neck KS | Excision | ANED (86 mo) |
ANED alive with no evidence of disease, AWD alive with disease, KS Kaposi sarcoma, mo months