Cingulum (Cing) |
tenia tecta (Reil, 1809), Latin form of the term in German, bedeckten Bänder, used by Reil; also translated in English as covered band (Mayo, 1823);
lateral longitudinal striae (Meckel, 1817);
fillet of the great commissure (Mayo, 1823);
peripheral part of the fornix (Arnold, 1838);
external fornix (Arnold, 1838);
External capsule (EC) |
capsula externa (Burdach, 1822), original Latin form of the EC first clearly illustrated by Vesalius (1543);
corporis striati limbus anterior (Willis, 1672);
exterior smaller medullary tract of the anterior process of the medulla oblongata (Vieussens, 1684);
medullary capsule of the lentiform nucleus (Arnold, 1838);
Inferior fronto-occipital fascicle (IFOF) |
Inferior longitudinal fascicle (ILF) |
fasciculus longitudinalis inferior (Burdach, 1822), original Latin form of the ILF, perhaps first clearly delineated by Reil (1809);
longitudinal fascicle arising from the inferior part of the corona radiata (Arnold, 1838);
temporo-occipital fasciculus (Trolard, 1906);
Superior longitudinal fascicle—Arcuate fascicle (SLF/AF) |
intermediate white matter (Reil, 1809), first description of a macrodissected adult human SLF; in the original German, intermediäre Marksubstanz;
arcuate fasciculus (Burdach, 1822);
longitudinal striae of Reil (Rolando, 1831);
lateral longitudinal striae (Rolando, 1831);
superior longitudinal commissure (Solly, 1836);
longitudinal fascicle of the corona radiata (Arnold, 1838);
Uncinate fascicle (UF) |
unciform fascicle (Reil, 1809), first description of a macrodissected adult human UF; in the original German, haakenförmige Markbundel;
fasciculi unciformes (Burdach, 1822);
hamular fasciculus (Mayo, 1823);
white nucleus of the Sylvian fossa (Treviranus and Treviranus, 1816–1821);
anteromedial arch (Rolando, 1831);
olfactory arch (Rolando, 1831);