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. 2018 Oct 23;9:1953. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01953

Table 4.

Summary of hierarchical regression analysis for variables predicting receptive vocabulary size (N = 35).

Model 1
Model 2
Model 3
Variable B SE B ß B SE B ß B SE B ß
RelProf 0.024 0.005 0.666∗∗∗ 0.024 0.005 0.604∗∗∗ 0.081 0.026 2.209∗∗
LexM 0.128 0.052 0.306 0.158 0.047 0.376∗∗
MorphM 0.044 0.136 0.045 0.099 0.125 0.101
RelProf × LexM −0.059 0.018 −1.290∗∗
RelProf × MorphM −0.022 0.032 −0.409
R2 0.444 0.535 0.662
F 26.363∗∗∗ 11.879∗∗∗ 11.348∗∗∗

RelProf, Relative proficiency; LexM, Lexical metalinguistic awareness; MorphM, Morphological metalinguistic awareness. p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01, ∗∗∗p < 0.001. One child was excluded from the analysis since he was missing lexical awareness scores.

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