Inhibitory effect of extraordinary tight-binding NESs. (A) EYFP2-SV40NLS-PKINES is cotransfected with RFP, RFP-MVM NS2NES, RFP-Super PKINES, RFP-PKINES, or RFP- X11L2NES and compared with cells expressing EYFP2-SV40NLS-PKINES that are treated with small molecule inhibitor LMB. (B) EYFP2-SV40NLS-X11L2NES is cotransfected with RFP, RFP-MVM NS2NES, RFP-Super PKINES, RFP-PKINES, or RFP-X11L2NES and compared with cells expressing EYFP2-SV40NLS-PKINES that are treated with small molecule inhibitor LMB. The numbers of examined cells from at least three independent experiments are indicated in parentheses in A and B. Error bars represent SD. The p values were calculated in comparison to control (reporter only) using Mann–Whitney tests. Note that observed RC/N values are presented without normalization to compare with RC/N on LMB treatment (+LMB). (C) Representative images of cells transfected with EYFP2-SV40NLS-PKINES (reporter) and RFP-tagged NESs (competitive peptides). YFP (pseudocolored in yellow), Hoechst (pseudocolored in blue), and RFP (pseudocolored in red) images were captured using spinning disk confocal microscope (40×). The expression levels of reporter proteins and competitive peptides and are summarized in Supplemental Figure S1C.