Table 1.
Management funding and estimated minimum need for effective lion conservation in PAs with lions, aggregated by country
Rank | Country (ISO code) | Region | Total funding | State funding | Donor funding | Minimum required funding,* $mil | PAs with lions, n | Lion PA total area, km2 | |||||
Median, $/km2 | Total, $mil | Median, $/km2 | Total, $mil | Median, $/km2 | Total, $mil | African Parks Network | Our study | Packer et al. (5) | |||||
1 | South Africa (ZAF) | Southern | 3,014† | 57.59† | 3,014 | 57.59 | No data | No data | 28.09 | 36.51 | 58.31 | 9 | 28,725 |
2 | Rwanda (RWA) | East | 2,206 | 2.25 | 245 | 0.25 | 1,960 | 2.00 | 1.00 | 1.30 | 2.07 | 1 | 1,020 |
3 | Kenya (KEN) | East | 1,688 | 59.61 | 1,435 | 51.95 | 82 | 7.66 | 35.39 | 46.00 | 73.47 | 20 | 36,190 |
4 | Chad (TCD) | West-Central | 753† | 2.29† | No data | No data | 753 | 2.29 | 2.98 | 3.87 | 6.18 | 1 | 3,043 |
5 | Malawi (MWI) | Southern | 690 | 2.79 | 6 | 0.04 | 681 | 2.75 | 4.44 | 5.77 | 9.22 | 4 | 4,540 |
6 | Benin (BEN) | West-Central | 557 | 6.27 | 54 | 0.80 | 498 | 5.46 | 12.54 | 16.30 | 26.03 | 6 | 12,822 |
7 | Uganda (UGA) | East | 418 | 5.50 | 332 | 2.96 | 85 | 2.54 | 9.66 | 12.56 | 20.05 | 9 | 9,879 |
8 | Burkina Faso (BFA) | West-Central | 370 | 3.37 | 207 | 1.62 | 164 | 1.75 | 10.46 | 13.60 | 21.72 | 13 | 10,700 |
9 | Zimbabwe (ZWE) | Southern | 241 | 16.06 | 235 | 10.32 | 1 or 272‡ | 5.75 | 42.94 | 55.80 | 89.12 | 22 | 43,903 |
10 | Botswana (BWA) | Southern | 200 | 42.46 | 189 | 39.26 | 11 | 3.20 | 203.16 | 264.03 | 421.69 | 49 | 207,731 |
11 | Tanzania (TAZ) | East | 176 | 85.74 | 41 | 62.24 | 54 | 23.50 | 173.27 | 225.18 | 359.64 | 37 | 177,164 |
12 | Namibia (NAM) | Southern | 166 | 17.07 | 0 | 13.29 | 35 | 3.78 | 63.34 | 82.31 | 131.47 | 10 | 64,763 |
13 | Mozambique (MOZ) | Southern | 135 | 24.09 | 4 | 1.87 | 121 | 22.22 | 114.56 | 148.88 | 237.79 | 21 | 117,138 |
14 | Central African Republic (CAF) | West-Central | 128 | 3.66 | 29 | 0.27 | 84 | 3.39 | 8.80 | 11.44 | 18.27 | 4 | 8,999 |
15 | Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD) | West-Central | 116 | 11.19 | 0 | 0.00§ | 116 | 11.19 | 47.70 | 61.99 | 99.01 | 5 | 48,771 |
16 | Zambia (ZMB) | Southern | 116 | 23.88 | 70 | 10.88 | 46 | 13.00 | 151.94 | 197.46 | 315.38 | 35 | 155,361 |
17 | Nigeria (NGA) | West-Central | 103 | 0.58 | 58 | 0.37 | 45 | 0.21 | 6.47 | 8.41 | 13.42 | 2 | 6,613 |
18 | Ethiopia (ETH) | East | 63 | 6.80 | 45 | 2.21 | 35 | 4.59 | 47.78 | 62.09 | 99.17 | 17 | 48,852 |
19 | Senegal (SEN) | West-Central | 47 | 0.39 | 31 | 0.26 | 16 | 0.13 | 8.05 | 10.47 | 16.72 | 1 | 8,234 |
20 | South Sudan (SSD) | East | 45 | 2.94 | 9 | 0.60 | 4 | 2.34 | 73.35 | 95.32 | 152.24 | 9 | 74,996 |
21 | Niger (NER) | West-Central | 43 | 0.11 | 26 | 0.06 | 17 | 0.04 | 2.93 | 3.81 | 6.09 | 2 | 3,000 |
22 | Angola (AGO) | Southern | 34 | 2.66 | ∼0¶ | ∼0.00¶ | 34 | 2.66 | 76.76 | 99.75 | 159.32 | 1 | 78,484 |
23 | Cameroon (CMR) | West-Central | 21 | 3.42 | 12 | 0.38 | 9 | 3.04 | 47.57 | 61.82 | 98.74 | 4 | 48,642 |
All countries | 200 | 380.72 | 104 | 257.21 | 55 | 123.50 | 1173.18 | 1524.65 | 2435.13 | 282 | 1,199,570 |
Countries are ranked from highest to lowest average (median) total available funding among PAs. Minimum required funding was estimated using three different methods of calculating the minimum funding requirement for effective lion conservation. ISO, International Organization for Standardization; $mil, million dollars.
Minimum funding requirement based on each method: African Parks Network, $978/km2; our study, $1,271/km2; and Packer et al. (5), $2,030/km2.
Represents an underestimation, as South Africa estimates did not include donor data and Chad did not include state data.
Median does not accurately represent the right-skewed distribution of donor funding in Zimbabwe, where 50% of 22 PAs received <$1/km2 and 50% received a median of $272/km2.
State contributions for the Democratic Republic of the Congo totaled ∼$3,000.
Data were not available, but experts indicated that state budgets were close to $0/km2.