Figure 6.
Cell behavior after wounding of reptilian overlapping scales. (A) Strategy of labeling LRCs with IdU and TA cells with CldU to study cell dynamics after wounding. (B) H&E staining after 4 days of wound healing. The rectangular blocks show the region for CldU and IdU staining enlarged in panel (C–E). (C) Outer surface of a scale beside the wound site. (D) Hinge of a scale closest to the wound site. (E) Outer surface region in the wound site. Note the accumulation of LRCs (blue color) in (D) and (E). (F) Fluorescent immunostaining of IdU (LRCs, red color) and CldU (TA cells, green color). Left, Triple staining of LRCs, TA cells and DAPI (blue color); Middle, LRCs only; Right, TA cells only. White arrows indicate IdU and CldU double positive cells which suggests the LRCs are in a proliferating status. (G) K15 in situ hybridization showing increased K15 expression in epidermis near the wound site. (H) Hinge closest to the wound site. I, outer surface in the wound site. (J) K15 in situ hybridization showing the normal K15 expression in an overlapping scale. (K) Hinge. (L) Outer surface. Hg, hinge. OS, outer surface.