Table 4.
Parameters | Packaging material | 0 M | 3 M RT |
6 M RT |
9 M RT |
3 M 37 °C |
6 M 37 °C |
9 M 37 °C |
Moisture content* | Poly propylene | 7.65ab | 7.96cd | 8.62e | 9.29g | 8.05d | 8.83f | 9.16g |
Metallised polyester | 7.69ab | 7.76abx | 8.06dx | 7.79abc | 7.93bcdx | 8.07dx | ||
Peroxide value* | Poly propylene | 3.21a | 6.62b | 11.98d | 22.46g | 6.86b | 13.21e | 25.24h |
Metallised polyester | 6.42b | 10.61cx | 20.39fx | 6.79b | 11.79dx | 22.76gx | ||
Free fatty acid* | Poly propylene | 0.56a | 1.36b | 2.12cd | 2.96e | 1.42b | 2.36d | 3.34f |
Metallised polyester | 1.25b | 1.94cx | 2.75ex | 1.30b | 2.15cdx | 2.92ex | ||
Thiobarbituric acid* | Poly propylene | 0.08a | 0.11bc | 0.15e | 0.25hi | 0.14de | 0.19f | 0.27i |
Metallised polyester | 0.10ab | 0.13cdex | 0.22gx | 0.12bcdx | 0.15ex | 0.24ghx | ||
Overall acceptability** | Poly propylene | 8.23h | 8.12fgh | 7.65de | 6.12b | 8.02fgh | 6.86c | 5.16a |
Metallised polyester | 8.16gh | 7.87efg | 6.74cx | 8.05fgh | 7.49dx | 5.87bx | ||
Total plate count* (colonies/g) | Poly propylene | 75a | 90b | 124d | 151f | 106c | 156f | 180g |
Metallised polyester | 82a | 104cx | 132ex | 90bx | 125dx | 158fx | ||
Yeast and mold* (cfu/g) | Poly propylene | Nil | Nil | Nil | 5c | Nil | 4 | 6d |
Metallised polyester | Nil | Nil | 3ax | Nil | Nil | 4bx |
*Values are mean of 3 determinations of mean ± SD (n = 3)
**Values are mean of 15 determinations of mean ± SD (n = 15)
a–hValues within same row with different superscript differ significantly (p ≤ 0.05)
xValues are significantly different from their corresponding PP (polypropylene) packed samples (p ≤ 0.05)