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. 2018 Nov 12;18:353. doi: 10.1186/s12887-018-1334-1

Table 3.

Clinical management and interim outcomes of neonates with birth weight recorded upon admission to neonatology units at two rural district hospitals in Rwanda (N = 1518)

All neonates (N = 1518) Low birth weight (< 2500 g) (N = 701) Normal birth weight (≥2500 g) (N = 817) p-value
n % n % n %
Vital signs
 Vital signs checked every 3 h for the first 48 h of admission N = 1168 N = 556 N = 612
  Yes (≥15 times) 965 82.6 478 86.0 487 79.6 0.004
  No (< 15 times) 203 17.4 78 14.0 125 20.4
 Initial temperature measured within 30 min of admission N = 1476 N = 683 N = 793
  Yes 812 55.0 367 53.7 445 56.1 0.373
  No 664 45.0 316 46.3 348 43.9
 Initial temperature < 36 °C N = 1480 N = 684 N = 796
  Yes 435 29.4 249 36.4 186 23.4 < 0.001
  No 1045 70.6 435 63.6 610 76.6
 If initial temperature < 36 °C, temperature improved from < 36 °C to > 36 °C within 2 h N = 402 N = 234 N = 168
  Yes 156 38.8 99 42.3 57 33.9 0.097
  No 246 61.2 135 57.7 111 66.1
 Low blood sugar (< 40/< 45 mg/dl) N = 871 N = 418 N = 453
  Yes 31 3.6 21 5.0 10 2.2 0.028
  No 840 96.4 397 95.0 443 97.8
 If blood sugar low, improved to > 40/> 45 mg/dl within 1 h N = 12 N = 7 N = 5
  Yes 2 16.7 1 14.3 1 20 > 0.999
  No 10 83.3 6 85.7 4 80
Infectious diseases
 Received antibiotics (ampicillin and gentamicin)a N = 334 N = 69 N = 265
  Yes 312 93.4 68 98.6 244 92.1 0.053
  No 22 6.6 1 1.4 21 7.9
 Ampicillin received at correct dose and interval N = 301 N = 66 N = 235
  Yes 204 67.8 36 54.6 168 71.5 0.009
  No 97 32.2 30 45.4 67 28.5
 Gentamicin received at correct does and interval N = 286 N = 64 N = 222
  Yes 146 51.0 23 35.9 123 55.4 0.006
  No 140 49.0 41 64.1 99 44.6
Fluid electrolytes and nutrition
 Regained birth weight within 2 weeksb N = 225 N = 169 N = 56
  Yes 126 56.0 88 52.1 38 67.9 0.044
  No 99 44.0 81 47.9 18 32.1
Respiratory distress
 Received caffeinec N = 548
  Yes 206 37.6
  No 342 62.4
 Received oxygen therapy N = 1491 N = 690 N = 801
  Yes 603 40.4 278 40.3 325 40.6 0.916
  No 888 59.6 412 59.7 476 59.4
 Method of oxygen therapy N = 540 N = 247 N = 293
  Mask/nasal cannula 449 83.1 185 74.9 264 90.1 < 0.001
  bCPAP 91 16.9 62 25.1 29 9.9
 If eligible, received bCPAPd N = 107
  Yes 13 12.2
  No 94 87.8
 Duration of oxygen therapy in hours Median IQR Median IQR Median IQR
  Mask/nasal cannula 24 20, 96 48 24, 120 24 14, 72 0.050
  bCPAP 60 24, 120 72 24, 144 48 24, 72 0.093

aFor neonates with primary diagnosis of infection; bRestricted to neonates that were hospitalized for at least 2 weeks; cRestricted to preterm neonates (< 33 weeks) or LBW (< 1500 g); dRestricted to preterm (< 33 weeks) or LBW (< 1500 g) neonates with any sign of respiratory distress

oC degrees centigrade, gm/dl grams per decilitre, bCPAP bubble continuous positive airway pressure, IQR inter-quartile range