Table 1. Selected Characteristics of the 45 Studies Included in the Qualitative Synthesisa.
Source | Continent/Region | Country | Survey Years | Specialty | No. of Participantsb | Age, yc | Men, No. (%)c | Burnout Assessment Instrumentd | Emotional Exhaustion Definitione,f | Depersonalization Definitione,f | Low Personal Accomplishment Definitione,f | Overall Burnout Definitione,f | Depression Screening Instrument and Definitione |
Wu et al,55 2013 | Asia | China | 2010 | Multiple | 1202 | Mean, 38.7 (SD, 8.8) | 555 (46.2) | 16-Item MBI-GS | NR | NR | NR | EX ≥14, CY ≥10, and PE ≤17 | NR |
Wang et al,54 2014 | Asia | China | 2008 | Multiple | 457 | Mean, 39.1 (SD, 9.6) | 185 (40.5) | 19-Item revised Chinese MBI-HSS | NR | NR | NR | Score ≥4.5 | NR |
Li et al,36 2018 | Asia | China | 2015 | Anesthesia | 1696 | NR | NR | 22-Item MBI-HSS | NR | NR | NR | EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥13 | NR |
Nishimura et al,38 2014 | Asia | Japan | 2011 | Multiple | 2635 | Mean, 47.2 | 2422 (91.9) | 16-Item MBI-GS | NR | NR | NR | EX >4.0 and (CY >2.6 and/or PE <4.17) | NR |
Saijo et al,46 2014 | Asia | Japan | 2009 | Multiple | 488 | NR | 391 (80.1) | 16-Item MBI-GS | NR | NR | NR | EX >4.2 and (CY >2.4 and/or PE <2.5) | PHQ-9 ≥5 |
Asai et al,23 2007 | Asia | Japan | 2000 | Multiple | 697 | Mean, 45 (SD, 8.2) | 639 (93.7) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | NR | GHQ-1 ≥4 |
Chen et al,27 2013 | Asia | Taiwan | 2012 | Multiple | 531 | NR | NR | 16-Item MBI-GS | EX ≥3.2 | CY >2.2 | PE ≤4.0 | NR | NR |
Wurm et al,56 2016 | Europe | Austria | 2010-2011 | Multiple | 5897 | Mean, 44.4 (SD, 10.5) | 3273 (55.5) | 40-Item HBI | NR | NR | NR | Score ≥145 | MDI ≥20 |
Vandenbroeck et al,53 2017 | Europe | Belgium | 2012 | Multiple | 1169 | Mean, 43.5 (SD, 10.9) | 617 (52.7) | 20-Item UBOS | EE ≥2.5 | Women: DP ≥1.6; men: DP ≥1.8 | PA ≤3.7 | EE ≥2.5, DP ≥1.6 (women)/DP ≥1.8 (men), and PA ≤3.7 | NR |
Pedersen et al,41 2013 | Europe | Denmark | 2004, 2012 | General Practice | 381 | NR | 232 (60.9) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 | NR |
Pedersen et al,43 2016 | Europe | Denmark | 2014 | Multiple | 1186 | NR | 690 (54.6) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 | NR |
Pedersen et al,42 2018 | Europe | Denmark | 2012 | General practice | 588 | NR | 306 (52.4) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 | NR |
Brøndt et al,24 2008 | Europe | Denmark | 2004 | General practice | 379 | Mean, 51.8 (SD, 6.7) | 229 (60.7) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | NR | NR | NR | EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 | NR |
Lesage et al,35 2013 | Europe | France | 2011 | Occupational medicine | 1440 | Mean, 52.6 | 418 (29.0) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤31 | EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 | NR |
Dréano-Hartz et al,29 2016 | Europe | France | 2012-2013 | Palliative care | 309 | Mean, 47.2 (SD, 9.2) | 101 (32.7) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥30 | DP ≥12 | PA ≤38 | NR | NR |
Pantenburg et al,40 2016 | Europe | Germany | 2012-2013 | Multiple | 1784 | Mean, 32.8 (SD, 4) | 698 (39.1) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 | NR |
O’Kelly et al,39 2016 | Europe | Ireland, United Kingdom | 2014 | Urology | 575 | NR | 503 (87.5) | 22-item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥13 | PA ≤31 | EE ≥27 and (DP ≥13 and/or PA ≤31) | NR |
Grassi and Magnani,13 2000 | Europe | Italy | NR | Internal medicine | 328 | Mean, 39.9 | 228 (69.5) | 22-item MBI-HSS | EE >top tertile | DP >top tertile | PA <lowest tertile | NR | GHQ-12 ≥4 |
van der Wal et al,19 2016 | Europe | The Netherlands | 2012 | Anesthesia | 514 | Mean, 47.2 (range, 30-67) | 335 (62.5) | 20-Item UBOS | NR | NR | NR | EE >top quartile and (DP >top quartile and/or PA <lowest quartile) | GHQ-12 ≥2 |
Twellaar et al,17 2008 | Europe | The Netherlands | 2002 | General practice | 349 | Mean, 45.9 (SD, 7) | 180 (51.6) | 20-Item UBOS | NR | NR | NR | EE >top quartile and (DP >top quartile and/or PA <lowest quartile) | NR |
Marôco et al,14 2016 | Europe | Portugal | 2011-2013 | Multiple | 466 | Mean, 38.7 (SD, 11) | 196 (42) | 15-Item modified MBI-HSS | NR | NR | NR | Mean subscale score ≥3 | NR |
Chivato Pérez et al,28 2011 | Europe | Spain | 2008 | Allergy and immunology | 404 | Mean, 43.9 (SD, 8.8) | 183 (45.2) | 22-item MBI-HSS | EE ≥25 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤32 | NR | NR |
Riquelme et al,16 2018 | Europe | Spain | 2015 | Multiple | 301 | NR | 196 (65.1) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE >top quartile | DP >top quartile | PA <lowest quartile | EE >top quartile, DP >top quartile, and PA <lowest quartile | NR |
Escribà-Agüir and Pérez-Hoyos,30 2007 | Europe | Spain | 2000-2001 | Emergency medicine | 353 | NR | 233 (65.4) | 9-Item MBI-HSS for EE only | EE ≥27 | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Arigoni et al,22 2009 | Europe | Switzerland | NR | Multiple | 371 | NR | 241 (65.5) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 | GHQ-12 ≥4 |
Goehring et al,31 2005 | Europe | Switzerland | 2002 | Primary care | 1755 | Mean, 50.8 | 1468 (83.6) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 | NR |
Upton et al,18 2012 | Europe | United Kingdom | NR | Surgery | 313 | NR | 282 (92.2) | 16-Item MBI-GS | EX >top tertile | CY >top tertile | NR | EX >top tertile and CY >top tertile | NR |
Taylor et al,52 2005 | Europe | United Kingdom | 2002 | Multiple | 1294 | NR | 1059 (81) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | NR | NR | NR | GHQ-12 ≥4 |
Al-Dubai and Rampal,21 2010 | Middle East | Yemen | 2006-2007 | Multiple | 563 | Mean, 33.3 (SD, 5.7) | 335 (59.5) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥13 | PA ≤31 | EE ≥27, DP ≥13, and PA ≤31 | NR |
Puffer et al,15 2017 | North America | United States | NR | Primary care | 2099 | NR | NR | 10-Item Mini Z | NR | NR | NR | Score ≥3 | NR |
Rao et al,45 2017 | North America | United States | 2014 | Multiple | 1774 | NR | 1027 (57.9) | 16-Item MBI-GS | NR | NR | NR | EX ≥3.2, CY ≥2.6, and PE ≤3.8 | NR |
Shanafelt et al,49 2014 | North America | United States | 2012-2013 | Oncology | 1083 | Median, 52 | 554 (50.4) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤32 | EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 | NR |
Golub et al,32 2008 | North America | United States | 2005 | Otolaryngology | 351 | Mean, 52 (range, 33-87) | 306 (87.2) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 | NR |
Shanafelt et al,47 2012 | North America | United States | 2011 | Multiple | 7288 | Median, 55 | 5241 (71.9) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 | PRIME-MD ≥1 |
Shanafelt et al,50 2015 | North America | United States | 2014 | Multiple | 6822 | Median, 56 | 4497 (67.5) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 | PRIME-MD ≥1 |
Shanafelt et al,51 2009 | North America | United States | 2007 | Internal medicine | 459 | NR | 345 (77.2) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 | NR |
Busis et al,25 2017 | North America | United States | 2016 | Neurology | 1616 | Mean, 51 (SD, 12) | 1091 (65.3) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 | NR |
Campbell et al,26 2001 | North America | United States | NR | Surgery | 577 | Mean, 50 | 492 (94.4) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥13 | PA ≤31 | NR | NR |
Kamal et al,33 2016 | North America | United States | 2013 | Palliative care | 691 | NR | NR | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥13 | NR | EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥13 | NR |
Shanafelt et al,48 2009 | North America | United States | 2008 | Surgery | 7830 | Median, 51 (IQR, 43-59) | 6815 (86.7) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥28 | DP ≥11 | PA ≤32 | EE ≥28 | PRIME-MD ≥1 |
Qureshi et al,44 2015 | North America | United States | 2010 | Surgery | 1605 | Mean, 50.8 (range, 33-74) | 1243 (73.5) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥28 | DP ≥11 | PA ≤32 | EE ≥28 and/or DP ≥11 | NR |
Yoon et al,57 2010 | North America | United States | 2008-2009 | Obstetrics and gynecology | 1128 | Mean, 47.8 (SD, 9.2) | 617 (53.5) | 5-Item MBI-GS for EX only | EX≥3.2 | NR | NR | NR | NR |
Kluger et al,34 2003 | Oceania | Australia | NR | Anesthesia | 422 | NR | 350 (83) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥28 | DP ≥11 | PA ≤39 | NR | NR |
Winefeld and Amstey,20 1991 | Oceania | Australia | 1987 | General practice | 929 | Mean, 42.8 | 748 (79.7) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | Mean EE >3 | Mean DP >3 | Mean PA <3 | NR | NR |
Maticorena-Quevedo et al,37 2016 | South America | Peru | 2014 | Multiple | 2228 | NR | 1697 (76.2) | 22-Item MBI-HSS | EE ≥27 | DP ≥10 | PA ≤33 | EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 | NR |
Abbreviations: BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; CY, cynicism; DP, depersonalization; EE, emotional exhaustion; EX, exhaustion; GHQ-12, 12-item General Health Questionnaire; HBI, Hamburg Burnout Inventory; IQR, interquartile range; MBI, Maslach Burnout Inventory; MBI-GS, MBI–General Survey; MBI-HSS, MBI–Human Services Survey; UBOS, Utrechtse Burnout Schaal (Dutch adaptation of the MBI); MDI, Major Depression Inventory; Mini Z, Zero Burnout Program Survey; NR, not reported; PA, personal accomplishment; PE, professional efficacy; PHQ-9, 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire; PRIME-MD, Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders.
Studies are ordered alphabetically by continent and then by country and medical specialty.
Number of participants who were practicing physicians (ie, not medical students or resident physicians) for whom burnout data were available.
If age and sex data for the entire population of included practicing physicians were not explicitly reported by the study, they were back-calculated or inferred when possible.
If the burnout assessment method was not explicitly reported by the study, it was inferred when possible based on the articles or manuals the study cited.
If the cutoff was not explicitly reported by the study, it was inferred when possible based on the articles or manuals the study cited.
Note that the MBI-GS uses the terms exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy rather than emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment.