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. 2018 Sep 18;320(11):1131–1150. doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.12777

Table 1. Selected Characteristics of the 45 Studies Included in the Qualitative Synthesisa.

Source Continent/Region Country Survey Years Specialty No. of Participantsb Age, yc Men, No. (%)c Burnout Assessment Instrumentd Emotional Exhaustion Definitione,f Depersonalization Definitione,f Low Personal Accomplishment Definitione,f Overall Burnout Definitione,f Depression Screening Instrument and Definitione
Wu et al,55 2013 Asia China 2010 Multiple 1202 Mean, 38.7 (SD, 8.8) 555 (46.2) 16-Item MBI-GS NR NR NR EX ≥14, CY ≥10, and PE ≤17 NR
Wang et al,54 2014 Asia China 2008 Multiple 457 Mean, 39.1 (SD, 9.6) 185 (40.5) 19-Item revised Chinese MBI-HSS NR NR NR Score ≥4.5 NR
Li et al,36 2018 Asia China 2015 Anesthesia 1696 NR NR 22-Item MBI-HSS NR NR NR EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥13 NR
Nishimura et al,38 2014 Asia Japan 2011 Multiple 2635 Mean, 47.2 2422 (91.9) 16-Item MBI-GS NR NR NR EX >4.0 and (CY >2.6 and/or PE <4.17) NR
Saijo et al,46 2014 Asia Japan 2009 Multiple 488 NR 391 (80.1) 16-Item MBI-GS NR NR NR EX >4.2 and (CY >2.4 and/or PE <2.5) PHQ-9 ≥5
Asai et al,23 2007 Asia Japan 2000 Multiple 697 Mean, 45 (SD, 8.2) 639 (93.7) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 NR GHQ-1 ≥4
Chen et al,27 2013 Asia Taiwan 2012 Multiple 531 NR NR 16-Item MBI-GS EX ≥3.2 CY >2.2 PE ≤4.0 NR NR
Wurm et al,56 2016 Europe Austria 2010-2011 Multiple 5897 Mean, 44.4 (SD, 10.5) 3273 (55.5) 40-Item HBI NR NR NR Score ≥145 MDI ≥20
Vandenbroeck et al,53 2017 Europe Belgium 2012 Multiple 1169 Mean, 43.5 (SD, 10.9) 617 (52.7) 20-Item UBOS EE ≥2.5 Women: DP ≥1.6; men: DP ≥1.8 PA ≤3.7 EE ≥2.5, DP ≥1.6 (women)/DP ≥1.8 (men), and PA ≤3.7 NR
Pedersen et al,41 2013 Europe Denmark 2004, 2012 General Practice 381 NR 232 (60.9) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 NR
Pedersen et al,43 2016 Europe Denmark 2014 Multiple 1186 NR 690 (54.6) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 NR
Pedersen et al,42 2018 Europe Denmark 2012 General practice 588 NR 306 (52.4) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 NR
Brøndt et al,24 2008 Europe Denmark 2004 General practice 379 Mean, 51.8 (SD, 6.7) 229 (60.7) 22-Item MBI-HSS NR NR NR EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 NR
Lesage et al,35 2013 Europe France 2011 Occupational medicine 1440 Mean, 52.6 418 (29.0) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤31 EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 NR
Dréano-Hartz et al,29 2016 Europe France 2012-2013 Palliative care 309 Mean, 47.2 (SD, 9.2) 101 (32.7) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥30 DP ≥12 PA ≤38 NR NR
Pantenburg et al,40 2016 Europe Germany 2012-2013 Multiple 1784 Mean, 32.8 (SD, 4) 698 (39.1) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 NR
O’Kelly et al,39 2016 Europe Ireland, United Kingdom 2014 Urology 575 NR 503 (87.5) 22-item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥13 PA ≤31 EE ≥27 and (DP ≥13 and/or PA ≤31) NR
Grassi and Magnani,13 2000 Europe Italy NR Internal medicine 328 Mean, 39.9 228 (69.5) 22-item MBI-HSS EE >top tertile DP >top tertile PA <lowest tertile NR GHQ-12 ≥4
van der Wal et al,19 2016 Europe The Netherlands 2012 Anesthesia 514 Mean, 47.2 (range, 30-67) 335 (62.5) 20-Item UBOS NR NR NR EE >top quartile and (DP >top quartile and/or PA <lowest quartile) GHQ-12 ≥2
Twellaar et al,17 2008 Europe The Netherlands 2002 General practice 349 Mean, 45.9 (SD, 7) 180 (51.6) 20-Item UBOS NR NR NR EE >top quartile and (DP >top quartile and/or PA <lowest quartile) NR
Marôco et al,14 2016 Europe Portugal 2011-2013 Multiple 466 Mean, 38.7 (SD, 11) 196 (42) 15-Item modified MBI-HSS NR NR NR Mean subscale score ≥3 NR
Chivato Pérez et al,28 2011 Europe Spain 2008 Allergy and immunology 404 Mean, 43.9 (SD, 8.8) 183 (45.2) 22-item MBI-HSS EE ≥25 DP ≥10 PA ≤32 NR NR
Riquelme et al,16 2018 Europe Spain 2015 Multiple 301 NR 196 (65.1) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE >top quartile DP >top quartile PA <lowest quartile EE >top quartile, DP >top quartile, and PA <lowest quartile NR
Escribà-Agüir and Pérez-Hoyos,30 2007 Europe Spain 2000-2001 Emergency medicine 353 NR 233 (65.4) 9-Item MBI-HSS for EE only EE ≥27 NR NR NR NR
Arigoni et al,22 2009 Europe Switzerland NR Multiple 371 NR 241 (65.5) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 GHQ-12 ≥4
Goehring et al,31 2005 Europe Switzerland 2002 Primary care 1755 Mean, 50.8 1468 (83.6) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 NR
Upton et al,18 2012 Europe United Kingdom NR Surgery 313 NR 282 (92.2) 16-Item MBI-GS EX >top tertile CY >top tertile NR EX >top tertile and CY >top tertile NR
Taylor et al,52 2005 Europe United Kingdom 2002 Multiple 1294 NR 1059 (81) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 NR NR NR GHQ-12 ≥4
Al-Dubai and Rampal,21 2010 Middle East Yemen 2006-2007 Multiple 563 Mean, 33.3 (SD, 5.7) 335 (59.5) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥13 PA ≤31 EE ≥27, DP ≥13, and PA ≤31 NR
Puffer et al,15 2017 North America United States NR Primary care 2099 NR NR 10-Item Mini Z NR NR NR Score ≥3 NR
Rao et al,45 2017 North America United States 2014 Multiple 1774 NR 1027 (57.9) 16-Item MBI-GS NR NR NR EX ≥3.2, CY ≥2.6, and PE ≤3.8 NR
Shanafelt et al,49 2014 North America United States 2012-2013 Oncology 1083 Median, 52 554 (50.4) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤32 EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 NR
Golub et al,32 2008 North America United States 2005 Otolaryngology 351 Mean, 52 (range, 33-87) 306 (87.2) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 NR
Shanafelt et al,47 2012 North America United States 2011 Multiple 7288 Median, 55 5241 (71.9) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 PRIME-MD ≥1
Shanafelt et al,50 2015 North America United States 2014 Multiple 6822 Median, 56 4497 (67.5) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 PRIME-MD ≥1
Shanafelt et al,51 2009 North America United States 2007 Internal medicine 459 NR 345 (77.2) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 NR
Busis et al,25 2017 North America United States 2016 Neurology 1616 Mean, 51 (SD, 12) 1091 (65.3) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥10 NR
Campbell et al,26 2001 North America United States NR Surgery 577 Mean, 50 492 (94.4) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥13 PA ≤31 NR NR
Kamal et al,33 2016 North America United States 2013 Palliative care 691 NR NR 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥13 NR EE ≥27 and/or DP ≥13 NR
Shanafelt et al,48 2009 North America United States 2008 Surgery 7830 Median, 51 (IQR, 43-59) 6815 (86.7) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥28 DP ≥11 PA ≤32 EE ≥28 PRIME-MD ≥1
Qureshi et al,44 2015 North America United States 2010 Surgery 1605 Mean, 50.8 (range, 33-74) 1243 (73.5) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥28 DP ≥11 PA ≤32 EE ≥28 and/or DP ≥11 NR
Yoon et al,57 2010 North America United States 2008-2009 Obstetrics and gynecology 1128 Mean, 47.8 (SD, 9.2) 617 (53.5) 5-Item MBI-GS for EX only EX≥3.2 NR NR NR NR
Kluger et al,34 2003 Oceania Australia NR Anesthesia 422 NR 350 (83) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥28 DP ≥11 PA ≤39 NR NR
Winefeld and Amstey,20 1991 Oceania Australia 1987 General practice 929 Mean, 42.8 748 (79.7) 22-Item MBI-HSS Mean EE >3 Mean DP >3 Mean PA <3 NR NR
Maticorena-Quevedo et al,37 2016 South America Peru 2014 Multiple 2228 NR 1697 (76.2) 22-Item MBI-HSS EE ≥27 DP ≥10 PA ≤33 EE ≥27, DP ≥10, and PA ≤33 NR

Abbreviations: BDI, Beck Depression Inventory; CY, cynicism; DP, depersonalization; EE, emotional exhaustion; EX, exhaustion; GHQ-12, 12-item General Health Questionnaire; HBI, Hamburg Burnout Inventory; IQR, interquartile range; MBI, Maslach Burnout Inventory; MBI-GS, MBI–General Survey; MBI-HSS, MBI–Human Services Survey; UBOS, Utrechtse Burnout Schaal (Dutch adaptation of the MBI); MDI, Major Depression Inventory; Mini Z, Zero Burnout Program Survey; NR, not reported; PA, personal accomplishment; PE, professional efficacy; PHQ-9, 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire; PRIME-MD, Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders.


Studies are ordered alphabetically by continent and then by country and medical specialty.


Number of participants who were practicing physicians (ie, not medical students or resident physicians) for whom burnout data were available.


If age and sex data for the entire population of included practicing physicians were not explicitly reported by the study, they were back-calculated or inferred when possible.


If the burnout assessment method was not explicitly reported by the study, it was inferred when possible based on the articles or manuals the study cited.


If the cutoff was not explicitly reported by the study, it was inferred when possible based on the articles or manuals the study cited.


Note that the MBI-GS uses the terms exhaustion, cynicism, and professional efficacy rather than emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment.