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. 2018 Jun 13;153(9):826–833. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2018.1565

Table 1. Patient Characteristics of the Study Sample by Perioperative Red Blood Cell Transfusion Statusa.

Clinical Variable No. (%) of Patients
Overall (N = 750 937) Transfusion Group (n = 47 410) Nontransfusion Group (n = 703 527)
Age group, y
18-44 188 796 (25.1) 4609 (9.7) 184 187 (26.2)
45-60 236 902 (31.5) 11 158 (23.5) 225 744 (32.1)
>60 325 239 (43.3) 31 643 (66.7) 293 596 (41.7)
Male 324 209 (43.2) 20 612 (43.5) 303 597 (43.2)
Female 426 727 (56.8) 26 798 (56.5) 399 929 (56.8)
White 551 935 (73.5) 34 027 (71.8) 517 908 (73.6)
Black or African American 75 885 (10.1) 6221 (13.1) 69 664 (9.9)
Asian 21 081 (2.8) 1480 (3.1) 19 601 (2.8)
Other 8494 (1.1) 460 (1.0) 8034 (1.1)
Unknown 93 542 (12.5) 5222 (11.0) 88 320 (12.6)
Underweight (<18.5) 12 357 (1.6) 1997 (4.2) 10 360 (1.5)
Normal weight (18.5-24.9) 179 533 (23.9) 14 717 (31.0) 164 816 (23.4)
Overweight (25.0-29.9) 230 320 (30.7) 13 666 (28.8) 216 654 (30.8)
Class 1 (30.0-34.9) 155 134 (20.7) 8235 (17.4) 146 899 (20.9)
Class 2 (35.0-39.9) 81 949 (10.9) 3950 (8.3) 77 999 (11.1)
Class 3 (≥40.0) 76 632 (10.2) 3294 (6.9) 73 338 (10.4)
Unknown 15 012 (2.0) 1551 (3.3) 13 461 (1.9)
Functional health status before surgery
Independent 726 360 (96.7) 42 283 (89.2) 684 077 (97.2)
Partially dependent 16 006 (2.1) 3755 (7.9) 12 251 (1.7)
Totally dependent 3184 (0.4) 937 (2.0) 2247 (0.3)
Unknown 5387 (0.7) 435 (0.9) 4952 (0.7)
ASA class
No disturbance (1) 69 685 (9.3) 528 (1.1) 69 157 (9.8)
Mild disturbance (2) 337 688 (45.0) 8742 (18.4) 328 946 (46.8)
Severe disturbance (3) 296 037 (39.4) 25 493 (53.8) 270 544 (38.5)
Life-threatening (4) 44 179 (5.9) 11 762 (24.8) 32 417 (4.6)
Moribund (5) 1343 (0.2) 808 (1.7) 535 (0.1)
Unknown 2005 (0.3) 77 (0.2) 1928 (0.3)
Hospital length of stay, d
0-1 372 952 (49.7) 1316 (2.8) 371 636 (52.8)
≥2 377 369 (50.3) 45 923 (96.9) 331 446 (47.1)
Unknown 616 (0.1) 171 (0.4) 445 (0.1)
Other medical complications
Concurrent sepsis 13 307 (1.8) 2886 (6.1) 10 421 (1.5)
Ventilator dependence 2557 (0.3) 1385 (2.9) 1172 (0.2)
Disseminated cancer 17 850 (2.4) 3688 (7.8) 14 162 (2.0)
Work-related relative value units
Quartile 1 (<9.45) 188 666 (25.1) 2573 (5.4) 186 093 (26.5)
Quartile 2 (9.45-15.38) 191 609 (25.5) 5185 (10.9) 186 424 (26.5)
Quartile 3 (15.39-20.82) 185 945 (24.8) 15 285 (32.2) 170 660 (24.3)
Quartile 4 (>20.82) 184 717 (24.6) 24 367 (51.4) 160 350 (22.8)
Perioperative RBC transfusion 47 410 (6.3) 47 410 (100.0) 0
Preoperative only 3605 (0.5) 3605 (7.6) 0
Intraoperative or postoperative only 40 015 (5.3) 40 015 (84.4) 0
Preoperative and intraoperative or postoperative 3790 (0.5) 3790 (8.0) 0

Abbreviations: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiology; BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); RBC, red blood cell.


Data were derived from the American College of Surgeons’ National Surgical Quality Improvement Program database for 2014. Percentages have been rounded and may not total to 100.


One person had missing data for sex.