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. 2018 Jul 9;75(10):1187–1197. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2018.1675

Table. Attack Characteristics of Patients With Cluster Headachesa.

Patient No./Sex Type of Intervention Headache Characteristics/Peak Intensityb Autonomic Symptoms/Agitation Time to Onset (Duration), min Mimics Usual Cluster Attackc Time to Peak From Onset, min Immediate Rescue Therapy (Time, d)/Effectd Preventive Treatment Disease Duration, y
Episodic Cluster Headache in Active Phase Group
ECHA01/M Usual Right/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; rhinorrhea NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection Verapamil, 400 mg 28
CGRPe Left/1 Lacrimation; ptosis; miosis 70 (15) Yes 0 No Verapamil, 400 mg NA
Placebo None None NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 400 mg NA
ECHA 02/M Usual Left/9 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen None 7
CGRP None None NA NA NA NA None NA
Placeboe Left/2 Lacrimation; agitation 20 (80) Yes 0 No None NA
ECHA 03/M Usual Left/10 Conjunctival redness; miosis; forehead and facial sweating; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA None None 3
CGRPe Left/3 Ptosis 30 (10) Yes 0 No None NA
Placebo None None NA NA NA NA None NA
ECHA 04/F Usual Right/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; rhinorrhea; nasal congestion; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection None 4
CGRPe Right/10 Nasal congestion; ptosis; agitation 20 (40) Yes 30 Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen (14, 16)/yes None NA
Placebo None None NA NA NA NA None NA
ECHA 05/F Usual Right/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; rhinorrhea; agitation NA NA NA Oxygen None 15
CGRPe Right/10 Nasal congestion; ptosis; agitation 60 (70) Yes 10 Oxygen (63)/NA None NA
Placebo None None NA NA NA NA None NA
ECHA 06/F Usual Right/10 Conjunctival redness; miosis; ptosis; forehead and facial sweating NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; rizatriptan, 10 mg Verapamil, 560 mg 2
CGRPe Right/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; forehead and facial sweating; ptosis; agitation 13 (40) Yes 20 Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection (18)/yes Verapamil, 560 mg NA
Placebo None None NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 560 mg NA
ECHA 09/M Usual NA/8 Conjunctival redness; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection Greater occipital nerve blockade 16
CGRPe Left/7 Lacrimation; ptosis; agitation 20 (60) Yes 30 Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection (45, 65)/yes None NA
Placebo None Lacrimation NA NA NA NA None NA
ECHA 10/M Usual Right/8 Conjunctival redness; eyelid edema; rhinorrhea; ptosis; forehead and facial sweating 30 (40) Yes 10 None None 20
CGRPe Right/3 Ptosis 30 (40) Yes 10 No None NA
Placebo Right/1 None 10 (110) No 0 None None NA
ECHA 11/M Usual Right/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; miosis; nasal congestion rhinorrhea; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen Verapamil, 400 mg 5
CGRPe Right/4 Agitation 60 (20) Yes 10 Oxygen (64)/yes Verapamil, 400 mg NA
Placebo None None NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 400 mg NA
Chronic Cluster Headache Group
CCH01/M Usual Right/9 Agitation NA NA NA Oxygen Verapamil, 240 mg 6
CGRP NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 240 mg NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 240 mg NA
CCH02/M Usual Left/6 Conjunctival redness; eyelid edema; nasal congestion; rhinorrhea; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; voltaren, 25-mg subcutaneous injection None 27
CGRPe Left/10 Lacrimation; rhinorrhea; eyelid edema; forehead and facial sweating; agitation 20 (15) Yes 20 Voltaren, 25-mg subcutaneous injection None NA
Placebo NA Eyelid edema NA NA NA NA None NA
CCH03/M Usual Left/10 Conjunctival redness; miosis; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen Verapamil, 440 mg 11
CGRP NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 440 mg NA
Placebo NA Eyelid edema NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 440 mg NA
CCH04/M Usual Right/1 0 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; nasal congestion; rhinorrhea; agitation NA NA NA None Verapamil, 480 mg 12
CGRPe Right/3 Conjunctival redness; nasal congestion 20 (30) Yes 0 None Verapamil, 480 mg NA
Placebo Right/1 None 20 (20) No 0 None Verapamil, 480 mg NA
CCH05/F Usual Right/NA Lacrimation; nasal congestion; rhinorrhea; agitation NA NA NA Oxygen Verapamil, 100 mg 2
CGRPe Right/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; nasal congestion; eyelid edema; ptosis; agitation 10 (30) Yes 10 Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen (35)/yes Verapamil, 100 mg NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 100 mg NA
CCH06/F Usual Left/9 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; miosis; eyelid edema; rhinorrhea; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen; sumatriptan, 100 mg orally NA 10
CCH07/M Usual Right/7 Conjunctival redness; nasal congestion; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection Verapamil, 400 mg 13
CGRP NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 400 mg NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 400 mg NA
CCH08/M Usual Left/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; rhinorrhea; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Oxygen Verapamil, 240 mg 4
CGRP NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 240 mg NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 240 mg NA
CCH09/M Usual Left/5 Lacrimation; conjunctival redness; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Oxygen Verapamil, 600 mg 3
CGRPe Left/3 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; agitation 30 (70) Yes 10 None Verapamil, 600 mg NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 600 mg NA
CCH10/M Usual Left/9 Lacrimation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen None 6
CGRP Bilateral/1 None 10 (20) No 0 None None NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA None NA
CCH11/M Usual Left,right/8 Nasal congestion; rhinorrhea; agitation NA NA NA Oxygen; sumatriptan, 100-mg orally Verapamil, 240 mg;
lithium, 200 mg
CGRPe NA/1 None 60 (30) Yes 0 None Verapamil, 240 mg;
lithium, 200 mg
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 240 mg;
lithium, 200 mg
CCH12/F Usual Left/NA Lacrimation; eyelid edema; rhinorrhea; nasal congestion; forehead and facial sweating; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; sphenopalatine ganglion neurostimulator Melatonin, 4 mg 10
CGRPe Left/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; rhinorrhea; nasal congestion; eyelid edema; forehead and facial sweating; ptosis; agitation 13 (40) Yes 10 Sphenopalatine ganglion neurostimulator Melatonin, 4 mg NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA Melatonin, 4 mg NA
CCH13/M Usual Right/9 Lacrimation; conjunctival redness; eyelid edema; nasal congestion; rhinorrhea; forehead and facial sweating; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Oxygen None 26
Placebo NA Agitation NA NA NA NA None NA
CCH14/M Usual Right/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; nasal congestion; rhinorrhea; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 100-mg orally None 5
CGRPe Right/5 Conjunctival redness 60 (30) Yes 10 Oxygen (60)/yes None NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA None NA
Episodic Cluster Headache in Remission Group
ECHR01/M Usual Right/NA Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; rhinorrhea; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection None 1
CGRP Bilateral/1 Lacrimation 20 (10) No 0 None None NA
Placebo Bilateral/1 None 20 (10) No 0 None None NA
ECHR02/M Usual Right/10 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; miosis; eyelid edema; rhinorrhea; nasal congestion; forehead and facial sweating; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen Verapamil, 400 mg 4
CGRP NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 400 mg NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 400 mg NA
ECHR03/M Usual Right/10 Conjunctival redness; eyelid edema; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection None 12
CGRP NA Nasal congestion NA NA NA NA None NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA None NA
ECHR04/M Usual Left/10 Conjunctival redness; miosis; forehead and facial sweating; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA None None 3
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA None NA
ECHR05/M Usual Right/NA Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; rhinorrhea; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen None 14
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA None NA
ECHR06/ M Usual Right/9 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; miosis; nasal congestion; forehead and facial sweating; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection Verapamil, 800 mg 15
CGRP NA Ptosis NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 800 mg NA
Placebo NA Ptosis NA NA NA NA Verapamil, 800 mg NA
ECHR08/M Usual Right/7 Lacrimation; ptosis; agitation NA None None 17
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA None NA
ECHR10/M Usual Right/9 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; eyelid edema; rhinorrhea; ptosis; agitation NA NA NA Sumatriptan, 6-mg subcutaneous injection; oxygen None 15
CGRP NA Eyelid edema NA NA NA NA None NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA None NA
ECHR12/M Usual Right/9 Conjunctival redness; lacrimation; rhinorrhea; agitation NA NA NA None None 8
CGRP Right/2 None 40 (50) No 0 None None NA
Placebo NA NA NA NA NA NA None NA

Abbreviations: CCH, chronic cluster headache; CGRP, calcitonin gene-related peptide; ECHA, episodic cluster headache in active phase; ECHR, episodic cluster headache remission phase; NA, not applicable.


Cerebral autonomic symptoms, restlessness, and immediate treatment is reported from 0 to 90 minutes after 20 minutes of intravenous infusion of calcitonin CGRP (1.5 μg/min) or placebo.


Patients rated the intensity of their headache on an 11-point scale, with 0 indicating no headache; 1, a very mild headache (including a sensation of pressing or throbbing or otherwise altered sensation in the head not associated with pain); 5, headache of moderate intensity; and 10, the worst headache imaginable.


Clusterlike attack is defined according to criteria described in the Methods section.


Therapy effect: more than 50% reduction in pain intensity over 2 hours.


Patient developed a clusterlike attack on study days.