Figure 3. Occurrence of nephropathy in patients with different MYH9 mutations.
The figure shows the results of the post-hoc statistical comparison between 7 different MYH9 genotypes. Genotypes were identified by comparing patients with mutations in four different regions of the NMMHC-IIA, then patients with mutations at the five most frequently hit residues of these regions. A further analysis compared the patients with p.R702C with those with the p.R702H, and the patients with p.D1424H with those carrying the p.D1424N. On the whole, the characterized genotypes are responsible for about 85% of the reported MYH9-RD cases. Only p values ≤ 0.05 are reported. After Bonferroni correction, significance for p ≤ 0.002 for all the new comparisons. 1 = significance for p ≤ 0.008 and 2 = significance for p ≤ 0.005 after Bonferroni correction (see notes to Table 2).