Fig 7. Prior gradual evolution can restrict future adaptation to high salt.
(A) Experimental evolution design at different population sizes. Seven gradual populations at generation 35 become the ancestors (colored dots) for continued evolution in constant 305 mM NaCl for an extra 30 generations under large (green) and small (blue) population sizes. Populations were pool-genotyped for 18 SNPs differentiating L28 from all other segregating lineages, after 15 and 30 generations (arrows’ heads). (B-E) Trajectories for the replicate populations under large and small population sizes, from the seven ancestor populations. These trajectories are based on principal component (PC) analysis of allele frequency data, with the two first axis accounting for more than 70% of the variance (see S16 and S17 Figs). Red crosses indicate the likely position of the L28 lineage in this PC space. Analysis of the probability of a sweep by L28 in each population is shown in S17 Fig. Data available from the Dryad Digital Repository: [54].