Figure 3. Representative synaptic profiles seen in FIB-SEM at 8 nm resolution.
(A) Five electron-dense profiles of presynaptic sites, four in ORNs and one (open arrowhead) in an LN, reveal a range of shapes, from a clear T-shape, in canonical cross section (1), to cruciform (2), in an en face view of the pedestal, with a range of other profiles that cut the organelle in different planes. Unifying their common identity, all have the same electron density that is clearly visible after FIB-SEM imaging. Postsynaptic densities are not well resolved. The profiles exhibit a wide range of shapes because the neurites contributing them are not aligned, as are the columns of the medulla (Takemura et al., 2015) and mushroom body output lobes (Takemura et al., 2017), and other neuropiles analysed with this imaging method. (B–D) Single neurite profile with ~84 nm diameter dense-core vesicles (dcv) viewed in three orthogonal planes, revealing each dcv as approximately circular in all three planes, and thus a sphere. (E) Same neurite reconstructed to show a varicosity with a single presynaptic site (yellow). Scale bars: 500 nm.