Table 1.
Malformations based upon abnormal Müllerian duct development
Malformation | Possible cause(s) |
Complete absence of the uterus and upper vagina |
Failure of MD development or failure of WD development. |
Separate hemiuteri | Incomplete fusion of the MDs |
Uterus didelphys | Incomplete fusion of the MDs |
Uterus duplex | Incomplete fusion of the MDs |
Uterus unicornis | Unilateral aplasia of a MD |
Bilateral or unilateral doubling of the uterine tubes or uterus |
Duplication of MDs |
Double vagina | Failure of MD fusion |
Double cervix | Failure of MD fusion |
Uterus septus | Failure of regression of the septum |
Vagina with septum | Failure of regression of the septum |
Absence of uterine tubes, uterus, cervix and upper vagina |
Complete androgen resistance in males due to Müllerian Inhibiting Substance |
T-shaped uterotubal junction | Prenatal exposure to DES |
Incompetent aplastic cervix | Prenatal exposure to DES |
Abnormal uterine lumen | Prenatal exposure to DES |
Vaginal adenosis | Prenatal exposure to DES |