Figure 7.
A. Wholemount photos of developing human fetal female internal genitalia 9–20 weeks of gestation. Note the increase in size and morphological complexity with time, and the absence of landmarks distinguishing the uterine corpus, cervix and vagina. The Mullerian duct, utero-vaginal canal, round ligament of the uterus, mesonephric tubules and uterine tube are labeled. Specimens photographed with transmitted light (9, 10–13 and 16 weeks) permit visualization of internal (epithelial) organization in translucent regions (Note the epithelium defining the lumen of the Mullerian duct and the epithelium of the cranial aspect of the uterovaginal canal). B. Morphometrics (in millimeters) of human fetal uterine width at the uterotubal junction during fetal development (weeks).