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. 2018 Oct;7(5):428–432. doi: 10.21037/gs.2018.07.04

Table 1. Clinical features, initial management and follow up of patients presenting with acute, non-traumatic adrenal haemorrhage.

No. Age/gender Clinical features and predisposing factors (other than abdominal pain) Urgent intervention Functionality Follow up/status Final diagnosis/pathology Outcomes
1 77/M Hypertension, on rivaroxaban No No Repeat CT—reduced size with benign features; no surgery Likely benign Died of non-adrenal cause 28 months after presentation
2 89/F INR 4.5, on warfarin No No Repeat CT—increased size with features of malignancy; no surgery Likely malignant Died of non-adrenal cause 12 months after presentation
3 68/M Hypertension, excessive sweating and feeling unwell, on rivaroxaban No No Repeat MRI—reduced size with benign features; no surgery Likely benign Well at 26 months after presentation
4 44/F Not reported No No Repeat CT—‘normal’ adrenal; no surgery Likely benign Discharged well at 66 months after presentation
5 27/F Shoulder tip pain, post-partum haemorrhage 6 weeks prior resulting in anemia US guided drainage after resolution of bleeding No Repeat CT—infected collection; further percutaneous drainage and antibiotics done Likely benign Well at 6 months after presentation
6 64/F Not reported Left adrenal artery embolization Pheochromocytoma Repeat CT—persistent lesion; laparoscopic adrenalectomy done Infarcted tumour—possible
Well at 7 months after presentation
7 45/F Not reported US guided aspiration of collection after resolution of bleeding No Repeat CT—recurrent bleeding and progression; open adrenalectomy done for palliation of symptoms and bleeding Adrenal metastasis (from breast cancer) Died of metastatic breast cancer 5 months after presentation
8 72/M Pain radiating to the back, sweating and clamminess, on warfarin No No Subsequent admission for disseminated lung cancer; no surgery Likely malignant Died of metastatic lung cancer 2 months after presentation
9 27/F Associated back pain No No Repeat CT—persistent lesion; laparoscopic adrenalectomy done for persistent pain Neurilemmoma with cystic degeneration Well at 12 months after presentation
10 58/M Not reported No No Repeat MRI—reduced size, but persistent; hand-assist laparoscopic adrenalectomy to establish diagnosis Cortical hyperplasia Discharged well at 8 months after presentation
11 41/F Nausea and vomiting No No Repeat CT—persistent lesion, possibly malignant; open adrenalectomy and nephrectomy done Oncocytic adrenal cortical neoplasm uncertain malignant potential Well at 4 months after presentation