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. 2018 Nov 2;21:1451–1457. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2018.10.148
Subject area Biology
More specific subject area Computational Neuroscience
Type of data Figures, Sound files for impulse production, the recorded Golay sequences, MATLAB code, a MATLAB data structure with the impulse responses
How data was acquired Sound production:
The sounds (complementary Golay pair) were generated by a single multichannel sound card (RME M16AD) and fed through programmable attenuators (PA5, TDT). Sounds were presented through TDT MF1 speakers (Tucker-Davis Technologies). The speakers were driven by power amplifiers (SA1, TDT).
Sound recording:
The sound was recorded by a calibrated microphone (Brüel&Kjær model 4939) at 192 kHz.
Automated sound sampling:
Spatial sampling was automated using a custom-built robot, based on model RB-Rbo-33 by RobotShop (
Data format Raw, analyzed
Experimental factors A trigger was produced and recorded in a parallel channel, marking the precise timing of the sound onset. Using this trigger the discrete Golay sounds were cropped out from the continuous sound recording
Experimental features At each one of the 10 locations, each of the 12 speakers played the Golay complementary pair, with a silence buffer of 0.2 s between successive sound presentations. Upon completion, the microphone was horizontally shifted by 8.5 cm, followed by the next round of sound playing. During the post-processing, the recordings of the two Golay sequences were identified using the trigger that was stored in a separate channel. The sounds recorded in response to each of the two complementary sequences were cross correlated with their original sequence, and the two added up to produce the estimate of the impulse response.
Data source location Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. Location: 31°46׳19.8"N 35°11׳49.3"E
Data accessibility The data is supplied within this article.
See README.txt for further instruction regarding the code.
Additional sound samples are available upon request (the full data is not uploaded due to large volumes)