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. 2018 Fall;17(3):ar39. doi: 10.1187/cbe.16-11-0332


Core concepts, competencies, and cognitive skills addressed in BI 125, BI 225, and BI/CH 308

BI 125 BI 225 BI/CH 308
Core concepts for biological literacya
 Evolution X X
 Structure and function X X
 Information flow, exchange, and storage X X
 Pathways and transformations of energy and matter X X X
 Systems X X
Core competencies and disciplinary practicea
 Ability to apply the process of science X X X
 Ability to use quantitative reasoning X X X
 Ability to use modeling and simulation X X
 Ability to tap into the interdisciplinary nature of science X X X
 Ability to communicate and collaborate with other disciplines X X X
 Ability to understand the relationship between science and society X X X
Course examinations
 Lower-order cognitive skills (LOCS)b
  Knowledge 34% 16% 18%
  Comprehension 22% 17% 17%
  Total LOCS 56% 33% 35%
Higher-order cognitive skills (HOCS)b
 Application 16% 30% 10%
 Analysis 10% 12% 21%
 Synthesis 10% 12% 15%
 Evaluation 8% 13% 19%
 Total HOCS 44% 67% 65%

aVision and Change core concepts and competencies (AAAS, 2009) addressed in each course were evaluated by each instructor.

bPercentages represent average point values associated with each level of Bloom’s taxonomy on course examinations as assessed using the Blooming Biology Tool (Crowe et al., 2008).