Effects of fecal transplantation (FT) on chronic subordinate colony (CSC) housing-induced anxiety-related behavior. Anxiety-related behavior was assessed in the Open Field/Novel Object (OF/NO) test in the morning of day 19. Single-housed control (SHC)-infused CSC compared with respective SHC animals showed a decreased distance moved during the OF test (A). Compared to the respective SHC groups, all CSC groups spent significantly more time in the corners during OF exposure (B). In contrast to saline- and CSC-infused CSC mice, SHC-infused CSC did not show a decreased number of entries into the OF (C). Compared to the respective SHC groups, all CSC groups showed a decreased locomotion (D) and an increased time in the corners during NO exposure (E) in the NO test. However, in contrast to saline- and CSC-infused CSC mice, SHC-infused CSC animals did not show a decreased number of NO explorations (F) during the NO test, when compared to their respective SHC group. SHC (n = 12–20); CSC (n = 12–14). Parametric data are presented as mean + SEM. Non-parametric data are represented as box-plots. Solid line represents the median, dotted line represents the mean for each data set. Lower boxes indicate 25th, upper boxes indicate 75th percentile, 10th (lower error bar), and 90th percentile (upper error bar) as well as possible outliers beyond the percentiles (indicated by closed circles) are also shown. #P ≤ 0.05, ##P ≤ 0.01, ###P ≤ 0.001 versus respective SHC.