Evaluation of Neuronal Markers
(A) Western blot showing TAU, synaptophysin, synapsin I, synapsin III, α-synuclein, and GAPDH in neurons at 70 DIV.
(B) Graphs showing quantifications of TAU, synaptophysin, synapsin I, and synapsin III in neurons at 70 DIV (normalized for GAPDH).
(C) Graphs showing the amount of α-synuclein in neurons at 35 and 70 DIV measured through western blot and normalized for GAPDH. AT, affected twin; UT, unaffected twin.
Data are expressed as mean ± SEM. ∗p < 0.05; ∗∗∗p < 0.001. Three independent experiments were performed for each clone. See also Figure S1.