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. 2018 Nov 1;31(2):e000014. doi: 10.1136/gpsych-2018-000014

Table 2.

Comparison of the reaction time and accuracy rate between the two groups across varying levels of disgusted facial expression

Items Patient group
Mean (SD)
Control group
Mean (SD)
F P values
Low level
 Accuracy rate 0.2136 (0.125) 0.2194 (0.144) 2.225 0.141
 Reaction time 2120.910 (710.903) 1872.508 (662.220) 0.031 0.861
High level
 Reaction time 2193.150 (625.593) 1359.821 (408.897) 26.651 <0.001
 Accuracy rate 0.4105 (0.222) 0.598 (0.139) 19.81 <0.001