Figure 2. Map of pathogenic mutations in 332 CRC.
(A) Out of 1713 pathogenic mutations, 32% were nonsense or frameshifts in tumor suppressors, while missense mutations were dominant in known oncogenes. We did not apply the classification of hypermutated and non-hypermutated tumors because we used a 59-gene panel only. However, it is apparent that most tumors (75%) carried more than 1 pathogenic mutation, the most frequent combination being APC & TP53 in 1/3 of tumors, co-mutated with KRAS in ¼ of the cases, while 10% of tumors carried more than 10 pathogenic mutations. Despite that the applied reading depth was very high in our cases (>1000X, compared to <50X in whole genome sequencing), the 4 most frequently mutated genes are in line with previous publications. The high incidence of BRCA1, PTEN, CDH1 and BRCA2 mutations is most probably a result of high reading depth and over-representation of these genes in the custom panel. Red dots: genes with site-specific differences in the distribution of pathogenic mutations. (B) Demonstrates the actual number of tumors with pathogenic mutations in the presented genes. The number of tumors with pathogenic mutations is shown for the 15 most frequently affected genes. Blue bars correspond to the number of pathogenic mutations per gene; tumor suppressor genes, e.g., APC, TP53, occasionally carried multiple mutations per tumor, which was not observed for oncogenes, e.g., KRAS, BRAF. (C) Comparison of mutation numbers in MMR-D and MMR-P tumors. Although MMR-D were in general richer in mutations compared to MMR-P tumors, MMR-P tumors with mutations in MMR genes (red dots) exhibited higher mutation numbers compared to MMR-D, probably because of co-mutated pathways. Green dots: four MMR-D tumors with concordant MMR gene mutation status. Blue lines: mean values.