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. 2018 Oct 24;18(6):1–139.

Table 28:

Scenario Analyses

Scenario Parameters Used in Reference Case Parameters Used in Scenario Analysis
Time horizon Lifetime 10 years to 30 years
Discount 1.5% costs, 1.5% QALYs 3% costs, 1.5% QALYs
Target Populations
Adults (20–40 y), sudden severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (postlingual) NA Average age 31,122 simultaneous BCI
Adults (18–93 y), severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (postlingual) NA Average age 60,122 sequential BCI, time between implants 3.5 years
Adults (18–39 y), severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (postlingual) NA Average age 30,122 sequential BCI, time between implants 3.5 years
Adults (40–55 y), severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (postlingual) NA Average age 49,122 sequential BCI, time between implants: 3.5 years
Children, severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (prelingual) NA Average age 1 (expert opinion), sequential BCI, time between implants, 1 year
Children, sudden severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (postlingual) NA Average age 7,122 simultaneous BCI
Reference case 1: BCI type Sequential Simultaneous
Reference case 2: BCI type Simultaneous Sequential
Reference case 3: BCI type Sequential Simultaneous
Clinical Outcomes
Complications in childhood cochlear implantation Annual device failure rate 0.64%; annual non-device reimplant rate 0.12% Annual device failure rate 0.54%;111 annual non-device reimplant rate 0.09%;111 no explantation (expert opinion); all reimplants in same ear (expert opinion)
Annual device failure rate Adults 0.53%; children 0.64% Cochlear Canada 0.2828%a
Ongoing complications All occur in the first 6 months All occur in the first 5 years
Non-use Not included Included 2.2% non-users108b
Adults (TTO) HUI-3
UnoCI 0.495, UUCI 0.765, UBCI 0.800113
UnoCI 0.65, UUCI 0.82, UBCI 0.94114
Children (Bond, et al 2007)50 HUI-3
UnoCI 0.585, UUCI 0.78, UBCI 0.81128,129
UBCI = UUCI + 0.0350
Children (Sparreboom et al, 2011)93 HUI-3
UnoCI 0.585, UUCI 0.78, UBCI 0.81128,129
UnoCI 0.395, UUCI 0.58, UBCI 0.7692
Children (adult values) HUI-3
UnoCI 0.585, UUCI 0.78, UBCI 0.81128,129
HUI-3 (adults)
UnoCI 0.495, UUCI 0.765, UBCI 0.800113
No utility increase in first 6 months of cochlear implantation Utility increase applied immediately after cochlear implantation Utility increase applied 6 months after cochlear implantation
Cost and Resource Use
Perspective Public health payer perspective Societal perspective (productivity losses, out-of-pocket costs, costs to other ministries)
Use of hearing aids in UCI individuals No hearing aid costs Hearing aid costs ($500/5 years, ADP), assuming 80% of patients use119
Postprocedural costs Table A11 Based on Fitzpatrick et al, 2006145 (Table A12)

Abbreviations: ADP, Assistive Devices Program; BCI, bilateral cochlear implantation; HUI-3, health utilities index; NA, not applicable; noCI, no cochlear implantation; QALY, quality-adjusted life-year; TTO, Time Trade Off; U, utility; UCI, unilateral cochlear implantation.


Including all models except CI1500, which was removed from the market because of a high failure rate.


Assume non-user after year 2 (post-rehabilitation).