Levels of TFPI in TFPI exon KO mice and anticoagulant effect of mouse plasma TFPI. (A) Plasma TFPI levels (n=5-10/group); insert is a western blot using polyclonal anti-mTFPI160 IgG-HRP of 1 uL plasma from mice with the various TFPIγ genotypes. (B) Plasma TFPI levels in TFPIβ/γ KO mice pre- and postheparin treatment (n=5). (C) Platelet-associated TFPI in mouse blood (based on 850,000 platelets/uL, n=4). (D) PIPLC released TFPl from WT, β KO, γ KO and β/γ KO liver membranes (n=3-6/group). (E) and (F) TFinduced (0.02 pM final) thrombin generation in plasmas from littermate TFPIα(+/+)/FVIIIKO mice (n=3) and TFPIα(−/−)/FVIIIKO mice (n=3), respectively. Inserts in E and F: Buffer, HSA; Control IgG (200 ug/mL); Anti-TFPI IgG, anti-mTFPI160 IgG (200 ug/mL); No TF, without TF induction or antibody treatment. Results depicted as mean + SEM in each panel.