Tumor growth of (A) NF1-MET, (C) NF1-P53, and (E) NF1 tumorgrafts are
plotted as means with standard errors. Tumor volume was imputed using last
observation carried forward, until animal was euthanized. Curves terminate once
>50% of mice have been euthanized in the respective treatment group.
Individual tumor growth for (B) NF1-MET, (D) NF1-P53, and (F) NF1 tumorgrafts
plotted by treatment (colored lines) compared to vehicle (black lines). (G) 95%
confidence intervals for the pairwise differences between the growth rates of
the select treatments, estimated and tested using linear mixed-effects models
with random slopes and intercepts, and false discovery rate adjusted contrasts.
Statistically significant differences (p-value < 0.05) between compared
therapies are highlighted in red. * p-value < 0.05, ** p-value
< 0.01, *** p-value < 0.001.