Variable (units)
Physiological Significance
Time Domain
SDNN (ms) |
Standard deviation of intervals between heartbeats |
Global index of ANS function |
RMSSD (ms) |
Root mean square of successive differences; calculated through squaring the intervals between heartbeats |
Global index of ANS function |
pNN50 (%) |
Proportion of heartbeat intervals that differ by more than 50 ms |
Indicative of parasympathetic activity |
NN50 |
A count variable; |
Indicative of parasympathetic activity |
number of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 50 ms |
STD HR (s) |
Standard deviation of instantaneous heart rate values |
Global index of ANS function |
Geometric Methods
RR Triangular Index |
Total number of all NN intervals divided by the height of the histogram of all NN intervals |
Global index of ANS function |
measured on a discrete scale (i.e. the number of all NN intervals divided by the maximum of the density distribution) |
TINN (ms) |
Baseline width of the distribution measured as a base of a triangle, approximating the NN interval distribution |
Global index of ANS function |
Frequency Domain
HF (ms2) |
Power (magnitude) in high frequency range, 0.15-0.4 Hz |
Index of parasympathetic activity on heart based on rhythmic respiration cycles |
HFnu (%) |
HF power in normalized units, as a ratio of the total power; [HF/(HF+LF)] x 100 |
Proportion of parasympathetic activity |
LF (ms2)*
Power (magnitude) in low frequency range, 0.04-0.15 Hz |
Measure of sympathetic and/or parasympathetic activity |
LFnu (%)*
LF power in normalized units, as a ratio of the total power; [LF/(HF+LF)] x 100 |
Measure of sympathetic and/or parasympathetic activity |
LF/HF (ms2)*
Ratio of low frequency power to high frequency power |
Measure of sympathetic and/or parasympathetic activity |
Total power (ms2) |
Variance of all RR intervals |
Overall magnitude of variability within ANS; ability of ANS system to be flexible and adaptable |