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. 2018 Nov 14;13(11):e0207398. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0207398

Table 5. Description of the 5 classes.

Patients with complex psychological functioning
(n = 92)
Patients with impulsive psychological functioning (n = 13) Patients with cooperative psychological functioning (n = 53) Patients with immature psychological functioning (n = 127) Patients with resilient psychological functioning (n = 17) Entire sample
5 classesa
(n = 302)
Corrected sample
4 classesb
(n = 210)
Qualitative variables n % p-value
5 classes
n % p-value
4 classes
n % p-value
4 classes
n % p-value
4 classes
n % p-value
4 classes
n % n %
Type of disorder 0.2448 0.0354 0.1353 0.9272 0.1597
            Compulsive buying 1 1.1 0 0 1 2 1 1 1 6 4 1 3 1
            Sexual addiction 19 20.7 4 31 7 13 11 9 1 6 42 14 23 11
            Problem gambling 22 23.9 7 54 12 22 55 43 11 65 107 35 85 41
            Excessive videogame use 7 7.6 1 8 3 6 7 5 0 0 18 6 11 5
            Eating disorders 43 46.7 1 8 30 57 53 42 4 24 131 43 88 42
Sex 0.9048 0.0027 0.1971 0.9535 0.7864
            Women 45 49 1 8 32 60 65 51 8 47 151 50 106 50
            Men 46 51 12 92 21 40 62 49 9 53 150 50 104 50
Marital status 0.0500 0.0584 0.1053 0.6656 0.7077
            Lives alone 66 72 4 8 38 71 70 56 9 47 187 62 121 58
            Lives in couple 24 26 9 92 15 29 56 44 8 53 113 37 89 42
            Other 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 0
Educational level 0.8923 0.5501 0.4183 0.5026 0.5944
            Under high school graduation 33 36 3 23 15 28 48 38 7 41 106 35 73 35
            Over high school graduation 59 64 10 77 38 72 78 62 10 59 196 65 137 65
Employment situation 0.1172 0.2388 0.7543 0.7192 0.1026
            Inactive 56 62 4 31 26 50 58 46 11 69 155 52 99 48
            Active 35 38 9 69 26 50 67 54 5 31 142 48 107 52
ADHD <0.0001 0.0208 0.2123 0.7905 0.2761
            No ADHD 36 39 7 54 48 90 102 81 12 71 205 68 169 80
            ADHD persistent (adulthood) 39 42 3 23 1 2 6 4 2 12 51 17 12 6
            ADHD no persistent (childhood) 17 19 3 23 4 8 19 15 3 18 46 15 29 14
Total abstinence for at least a month 0.0293 0.3368 0.5075 0.6163 0.8922
            No 64 61 4 36 23 46 67 54 9 53 167 57 103 51
            Yes 28 30 7 64 27 54 57 46 8 47 127 43 99 49
Mood disorders <0.0001 0.1065 0.1754 0.9165 0.0528
            No 10 11 9 69 19 36 57 45 12 71 107 35 97 46
            Yes 82 89 4 31 34 64 70 55 5 29 195 65 113 54
Anxiety disorders <0.0001 0.0509 0.5717 0.7896 0.5438
            No 19 21 11 85 28 52 70 55 11 68 139 46 120 57
            Yes 73 79 2 15 25 48 57 45 6 35 163 54 90 43
Alcohol-related disorders 0.0020 0.4770 0.4483 0.9716 0.7547
            No 51 56 9 69 44 84 101 80 13 76 219 73 168 80
            Yes 41 44 4 31 9 16 26 20 4 24 83 27 42 20
Substance-related disorders 0.0302 0.68880 0.7389 0.7444 >0.999
            No 66 72 11 85 45 84 111 87 15 88 248 82 182 87
            Yes 26 28 2 15 9 16 16 13 2 12 54 18 28 13
Antisocial personality disorder 0.5115 >0.999 0.5865 0.7320 0.3766
            No 88 95 13 100 53 100 123 97 16 94 293 97 205 98
            Yes 4 5 0 0 0 0 3 3 1 6 9 3 5 2
Suicidal risk 0.0030 0.0672 0.6697 0.4055 0.6476
            No 31 34 11 85 34 63 68 54 11 65 155 51 124 59
            Yes 61 66 2 15 19 37 58 46 6 35 147 49 86 41
Patients with complex psychological functioning (n = 92) Patients with impulsive psychological functioning (n = 13) Patients with cooperative psychological functioning (n = 53) Patients with immature psychological functioning (n = 127) Patients with resilient psychological functioning (n = 17) Entire samplev
5 classes1
(n = 302)
Corrected sample
4 classes2
(n = 210)
Quantitative variables Mean ± SD p-value
5 classes
Mean ± SD p-value
4 classes
Mean ± SD p-value
4 classes
Mean ± SD p-value
4 classes
Mean ± SD p-value
4 classes
Mean ± SD Mean ± SD
Age 32.6 ±7.7 0.2645 35.4 ±2.9 0.8622 34.0 ±6.1 0.7034 33.9 ±9.5 0.6476 40.7 ±4.0 0.1718 34.0 ±14.6 34.6 ±12.4
Age of initiation 14.9 ±2.6 <0.0001 15.4 ±0.7 0.0464 18.3 ±3.3 0.5983 17.3 ±4.7 0.4229 21.2 ±2.5 0.2052 16.9 ±7.0 17.8 ±6.4
Age of onset of problems 25.4 ±6.6 0.1134 30.8 ±2.9 0.4926 26.3 ±5.2 0.3051 27.5 ±8.1 0.7863 33.0 ±3.2 0.1514 27.1 ±12.6 27.8 ±10.7
Age of first care 29.9 ±7.7 0.1582 34.4 ±3.1 0.6541 30.0 ±5.9 0.1745 32.0 ±9.8 0.8704 40.5 ±4.1 0.0743 31.6 ±15.0 32.4 ±12.8
Duration (years)
            between initiation and problems 10.5 ±6.5 0.7572 14.7 ±2.7 0.3110 8.1 ±4.2 0.1307 10.2 ±7.2 0.8250 11.8 ±2.6 0.5217 10.2 ±11.2 10.0 ±9.2
            between problems and care 4.7 ±4.1 0.9365 3.6 ±0.6 0.2800 3.6 ±2.6 0.1788 4.7 ±4.3 0.7411 7.5 ±2.4 0.2509 4.6 ±7.0 4.6 ±5.7
            between initiation and care 14.9 ±7.7 0.8503 18.5 ±2.9 0.4219 11.8 ±5.1 0.0766 14.7 ±8.9 0.8141 19.3 ±3.5 0.2083 14.7 ±13.7 14.6 ±11.3
Number of Goodman criteria (addiction severity) 5.4 ±2.0 0.0012 4.0 ±0.7 0.3051 4.3 ±1.6 0.0003 3.4 ±2.3 0.0019 4.7 ±0.4 0.0905 4.3 ±3.7 3.7 ±3.0
WURS-C 52.8 ±9.9 <0.0001 37.3 ±3.7 0.3530 26.9 ±6.4 0.0091 33.7 ±10.9 0.2642 31.1 ±4.5 0.8745 38.3 ±19.8 32.0 ±14.2
RSES 20.7 ±2.8 <0.0001 26.3 ±0.7 0.8304 26.5 ±3.1 0.6699 24.6 ±3.4 0.0001 29.2 ±0.5 0.1605 23.9 ±6.0 25.5 ±4.8
            Internal 34.3 ±3.0 0.0629 31.3 ±0.1 0.0061 32.5 ±2.1 0.4865 33.0 ±3.2 0.9946 32.8 ±1.5 0.9688 33.3 ±5.2 32.8 ±4.2
            External—powerful others 30.1 ±3.3 <0.0001 28.3 ±1.3 0.5643 24.2 ±3.9 0.5978 27.0 ±3.8 0.0021 23.7 ±1.4 0.7348 27.3 ±7.0 26.1 ±7.2
            External—luck 30.0 ±3.8 <0.0001 21.5 ±1.2 0.6213 22.7 ±3.5 0.1663 26.7 ±4.1 0.0008 23.2 ±1.2 0.7373 26.7 ±7.4 25.1 ±5.9
            Mature 5.4 ±0.6 0.4008 5.9 ±0.3 0.4085 5.5 ±0.5 0.5242 5.5 ±0.8 0.8776 5.8 ±0.3 0.5653 5.5 ±1.2 5.6 ±1.0
            Neurotic 5.3 ±0.7 <0.0001 4.2 ±0.3 0.3239 4.4 ±0.5 0.1844 4.8 ±0.8 0.1571 4.5 ±0.3 0.6841 4.9 ±1.3 4.7 ±1.0
            Immature 5.2 ±0.5 <0.0001 4.2 ±0.3 0.8045 3.6 ±0.4 <0.0001 4.3 ±0.7 0.0288 4.0 ±0.2 0.6951 4.4 ±1.1 4.1 ±0.9
Life events score (cumulative traumatic intensity) 56.0 ±21.6 0.0208 55.0 ±5.0 0.5406 39.5 ±13.7 0.5577 44.2 ±18.9 0.4390 15.0 ±1.3 0.0004 46.3 ±33.4 41.6 ±24.5
Number of life events 10.3 ±3.2 0.9001 8.6 ±0.6 0.6577 8.6 ±2.2 0.3988 9.6 ±3.5 0.3349 8.7 ±1.2 0.5035 9.5 ±5.4 9.2 ±4.4
            Novelty seeking 59.3 ±11.3 <0.0001 60.8 ±4.4 0.0399 38.8 ±5.6 0.0001 46.0 ±12.5 0.8824 53.5 ±3.5 0.0416 49.9 ±20.2 45.7 ±15.5
            Harm avoidance 67.1 ±13.6 0.0116 46.7 ±4.2 0.0695 58.9 ±10.9 0.8834 61.3 ±15.8 0.3634 54.4 ±5.3 0.3840 61.7 ±24.9 59.3 ±20.6
            Reward dependence 57.8 ±9.1 0.0779 55.0 ±3.2 0.2057 63.5 ±8.0 0.4147 60.6 ±12.6 0.6743 66.3 ±5.0 0.3625 60.3 ±18.7 61.5 ±16.2
            Persistence 47.5 ±17.0 0.0008 46.7 ±6.0 0.1447 59.7 ±13.0 0.7980 63.0 ±19.7 0.3753 57.6 ±6.6 0.6528 56.6 ±31.1 60.7 ±25.4
            Self-directedness 37.6 ±9.1 <0.0001 66.3 ±4.2 0.5521 61.4 ±8.7 0.6956 55.0 ±11.3 <0.0001 64.2 ±4.7 0.7188 51.7 ±20.7 58.1 ±15.9
            Cooperation 68.8 ±9.4 <0.0001 72.3 ±2.9 0.1435 83.9 ±4.4 0.0009 75.4 ±10.1 0.0087 79.1 ±4.0 0.9807 74.9 ±16.2 77.7 ±12.5
            Self-transcendence 39.1 ±12.3 0.0005 27.2 ±4.5 0.9470 23.8 ±8.6 0.2544 31.4 ±13.5 0.0128 29.4 ±5.4 0.6445 32.2 ±22.0 29.1 ±17.7
Maximum abstinence duration (months) 3.5 ±1.7 0.2534 1.9 ±0.2 <0.0001 4.8 ±3.4 0.8450 4.7 ±5.0 0.7950 3.0 ±0.5 0.0210 4.2 ±6.4 4.4 ±6.1
            Negative urgency 12.0 ±1.4 <0.0001 11.4 ±0.5 0.0122 6.7 ±0.7 <0.0001 10.6 1.7 <0.0001 11.4 ±0.7 0.0123 10.4 ±3.1 9.7 ±2.5
            Lack of premeditation 9.6 ±1.5 <0.0001 9.4 ±0.3 0.0007 7.0 ±0.8 0.0059 7.9 1.4 0.2817 8.3 ±0.7 0.3462 8.3 ±2.5 7.8 ±1.9
            Lack of perseverance 9.5 ±1.4 <0.0001 7.7 ±0.4 0.4744 7.2 ±1.0 0.8826 7.2 1.3 0.9309 7.2 ±0.5 0.9802 7.9 ±2.5 7.2 ±1.7
            Sensation seeking 11.4 ±1.6 <0.0001 11.2 ±0.5 0.0117 8.4 ±1.3 0.0770 9.8 1.8 0.0050 10.4 ±0.5 0.0250 10.1 ±3.0 9.6 ±2.4
            Inattention 23.7 ±3.1 <0.0001 15.6 ±1.0 0.4113 14.5 ±2.2 0.9986 14.7 2.8 0.6740 15.5 ±1.8 0.5746 17.6 ±6.6 14.7 ±4.1
            Hyperactivity 19.2 ±3.1 <0.0001 14.8 ±0.9 0.2360 12.4 ±2.4 0.3868 14.2 3.7 0.0536 12.5 ±1.2 0.6408 15.4 ±6.2 13.6 ±4.7
            Health (/5) 3.8 ±0.6 <0.0001 1.6 ±0.3 0.2141 2.9 ±0.7 0.0002 3.1 1.0 <0.0001 2.1 ±0.4 0.9491 3.1 ±1.5 2.9 ±1.3
            Work/school (/5) 2.1 ±1.1 0.0006 0.8 ±0.3 0.9986 1.7 ±0.8 0.0006 1.1 1.0 0.0302 0.4 ±0.2 0.2165 1.4 ±1.8 1.2 ±1.4
            Relationship (/10) 7.3 ±1.2 <0.0001 1.8 ±0.1 <0.0001 6.1 ±1.0 <0.0001 6.2 1.3 <0.0001 0.4 ±0.1 <0.0001 6.0 ±2.7 5.4 ±2.3

a Total-5 classes corresponds to the entire sample.

b Total-4 classes corresponds to the entire sample except the “complex patients” class, i.e. the “corrected sample”.