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. 2018 Jun 27;30:177. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2018.30.177.10969

Table 2.

Socio-demographic and behavioral characteristics of trauma victims among patients visiting Dilchora Hospital, Dire Dawa, January-February, 2013

Cause of trauma RTC N (%) Fall N (%) Conflict N (%) Burn N (%) Total N (%)
Variables Category
Sex Male 83(61.94%) 26(50.98%) 112(68.71%) 9(26.47%) 230(60.21%)
Female 51(38.06%) 25(49.02%) 51(31.29%) 25(73.53%) 152(39.79%)
Total 134(100%) 51(100%) 163(100%) 34(100%) 382(100%)
Educational Status Illiterate 32(23.88%) 17(33.33%) 48(29.44%) 2(5.88%) 99(25.9%)
Reading and writing only 9(6.72%) 3(5.88%) 4(2.45%) 4(11.76%) 20(5.24%)
Grade 1-8 39(29.10%) 15(29.41%) 48(29.44%) 19(55.88%) 121(31.67%)
Secondary school 28(20.90%) 14(27.45%) 43(26.38%) 8(23.53%) 93(24.3%)
Diploma and above 26 (19.40%) 2(3.92%) 20(5.24%) 1(2.94%) 49(12.81%)
Total 134(100%) 51(100%) 163(100%) 34(100%) 382(100%)
Residence Urban 91(67.91%) 25(49.02%) 100(61.35%) 23(67.65%) 239(62.57%)
Rural 43(32.09%) 26(50.98%) 63(38.65%) 11(32.35%) 143(37.43%)
Total 134(100%) 51(100%) 163(100%) 34(100%) 382(100%)
Occupation Government employee 25(18.66%) 3(5.88%) 15(9.20%) 1(2.94%) 44(11.52%)
Merchant 13(6.70%) 1(1.96%) 14(8.58%) 0(0%) 28(7.33%)
Daily laborer 4(2.98%) 5(9.80%) 12(7.36%) 0(0%) 21(5.50%)
Private 22(16.42%) 10(19.60%) 39(23.92%) 3(8.82%) 74(19.37%)
Student 34(25.37%) 12(23.52%) 38(9.95%) 23(67.65%) 107(28.01%)
House wife 15(11.19%) 10(19.60%) 12(7.36%) 4(11.76%) 41(10.73%)
Unemployed 8(5.97%) 6(11.76%) 12(7.36%) 1(2.94%) 19(3.97%)
Farmers 13(9.70%) 4(7.84%) 21(12.88%) 2(5.88%) 40(10.47%)
Total 134(100%) 51(100%) 163(100%) 34(100%) 382(100%)
Age category <5 4(2.98%) 0(0%) 1(0.61%) 2(5.88%) 7(1.83%)
5-14 14(10.45%) 9(17.64%) 11(6.74%) 19(55.88%) 53(13.87)
15-49 103(76.86%) 32(62.74%) 138(84.66%) 13(38.23%) 286(74.87%)
50-64 9(6.71%) 4(7.84%) 11(6.74%) 0(0%) 24(6.28%)
65+ 4(2.98%) 6(11.76%) 2(1.23%) 0(0%) 12(3.14%)
Total N (%) 134(100%) 51(100%) 163(100%) 34(100%) 382(100%)