Figure 2. Experimental data for protein distributions (outer yellow circle) and metabolite concentrations (inner blue circle) in CCM-supressed (white bars, HC) and CCM-induced (grey bars, LC for proteins and LC* for metabolites) conditions.
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii CC1690 cells were grown under high CO2 (HC for proteins and metabolites; white bars), ambient CO2 (LC for proteins; grey bars) and ambient CO2 bubbled for 15 min with high CO2 (LC* for metabolites; grey bars). Enzyme distribution between a pyrenoid-enriched fraction (P) and a stroma-enriched fraction (S) was determined by enzyme activity measurements (Rubisco; n = 4 ± SE) and shotgun proteomics (all other proteins; n = 4 ± SE). Metabolites of the Calvin-Benson cycle (CBC) in total cells were measured by HPLC-MS/MS. The metabolite concentrations were normalized to the chloroplast volume as described in the text and Supplementary file 1D, and given as absolute concentrations (µM) in the chloroplast, which includes both microcompartments, the stroma and the pyrenoid (S + P) (n = 4 ± SE). Student´s t-test (alpha = 0.05), significantly changed metabolites are marked with one asterisk.